Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Oppermann, Martin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Functional analysis of the MERS-coronavirus spike protein
(2014-08-04)Ten years after the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, SARS-CoV, which caused the first pandemic of the 21st century, a novel betacoronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, ... -
Bedeutung der ACE2-Spaltung durch Wirtszellproteasen für die SARS-Coronavirus-Infektion
(2014-07-29)The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is a highly pathogenic virus and its zoonotic entry into the human population represents a substantial health threat. The identification of host cell factors ... -
Myokardinfarktregeneration unter Verwendung kardiovaskulärer Vorläuferzellen aus murinen und humanen pluripotenten Stammzellen
(2013-02-19)Stem cells hold a great promise in regenerative therapies for cardiovascular diseases. Heart regeneration with stem cells requires a delicate balance between the loss of donor cell pluripotency (so that teratoma formation ... -
Immungenetische Marker im Wandel der Zeit
(2009-04-07)The immunogenetic variability of mankind is in the focus of the medical fundamental research. A multitude of polymorphisms has been identified, which have an influence on susceptibility and ... -
Struktur-Funtionsbeziehung in den spleißosomalen Proteinen des U4/U6•U5 tri-snRNP
(2007-01-29)Subject of this thesis is the splicesosmal U5-particle. The functional relationship of the proteins is investigated by means of limited proteolysis and spectroscopy. Due to the splicesosome's ... -
Genome sequence of <i>Escherichia coli</i> 536: insights into uropathogenicity through comparison with genomes of <i>Escherichia coli</i> MG1655, CFT073, and EDL933
(2006-02-09)Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strain 536 (O6:K15:H31) is one of the model organisms of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli. To analyze this strain s genetic basis of ... -
Charakterisierung von funktionellen Oberflächenstrukturen des Hepatitis-B-Virus Nukleokapsids
(2005-12-28)During hepatitis B virus (HBV) morphogenesis the transmembrane large envelope protein (L protein) probably directly interacts with mature cytosolic nucleocapsids. The shell of the capsid ... -
Expression and Regulation of the Insulin-like Growth Factor Axis Components in Rat Liver Myofibroblasts
(2004-11-18)Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and liver myofibroblasts (LMFs) represent major cell populations involved in liver fibrogenesis. Several lines of evidence demonstrate that in contrast to LMFs, ...