Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Ostner, Julia Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Inter-and Intraindividual Variation in Emotion Recognition: Investigating the Role of the Ovulatory Cycle, Sex, and Personality
(2023-09-18)Previous research has shown that emotion recognition varies within and between individuals, influenced by physiological and psychological factors such as hormones, biological sex, and dispositional traits. However, ... -
Anthropologische Bearbeitung der Bestattungen napoleonischer Soldaten aus Frankfurt-Rödelheim zur Rekonstruktion der Lebensbedingungen in der Grande Armée
(2023-05-23)In this work, the human remains of more than 200 Napoleonic soldiers, which were archaeologically recovered in the Rödelheim district (Frankfurt am Main) in 2015, were comprehensively anthropologically examined. The aim ... -
Regulation of inter-sexual relationships within the microcosm of Guinea baboon units
(2023-03-03)Male reproductive success is linked in most animals to their access to fertile females. Resulting competition among males presents a strong selective pressure on male reproductive strategies. In species with female choice ... -
Evaluating morphological and metrical methods for sex estimation on isolated human skeletal material
(2023-02-13)The primary goal of this study is to estimate the sex of human skeletal materials using morphological and metrical methods described in the forensic and anthropological literature with molecular testing performed on Inden ... -
A healthy social life? Sociality and health indicators in wild red-fronted lemurs
(2022-06-29)In the last 40 years, an increasing number of studies from medicine, neurosciences, and psychology demonstrated links between many aspects of sociality, health, and fitness in humans and laboratory animals. Some studies ... -
Genetische Diversität in der Lichtensteinhöhle – Ableitungen zur Demographie und Interpretationen zu sozialen Strukturen sowie Bestattungssitten in einer bronzezeitlichen Bevölkerung
(2022-03-03)The archaeological part of the Lichtenstein Cave, a gypsum karst cave in the southwestern periphery of the Harz Mountains, was discovered in 1980 and has since been investigated in close, interdisciplinary cooperation. The ... -
Identifikation – Von der Speziesbestimmung bis zur Identitätsfeststellung mit Hilfe von ancient DNA-Analysen
(2022-02-24)Molecular genetic analyses can be used to answer central questions in anthropology. These are usually the question of the species origin of bone finds or other biological material and, in the case of a human origin, the ... -
Environmental and maternal effects on infant development in wild Verreaux´s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
(2021-12-23)Organisms’ life cycles vary tremendously between and within species leading to differences in life histories. Early development plays an important role in the life trajectory of an individual and shapes its entire life. ... -
Ancient genetic landscape of archaeological human remains from Panama, South America and Oceania described through STR genotype frequencies and mitochondrial DNA sequences
(2021-12-20)The settlements of the Americas and Oceania are particularly fascinating topics. On the one side is the settlements of Australia and New Guinea (30,000 – 50,000 years ago) were the scenarios of one of the earliest migration ... -
Cognitive adaptations in two sympatric mouse lemur species occupying different ecological niches
(2021-11-16)Cognition describes an individual’s abilities to perceive, process, and act on information of the abiotic and biotic environment. The investigation of cognitive variation between individuals and species has been of interest ... -
Health consequences of group living in wild Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
(2020-07-10)The evolution of sociality exposed individuals to several new health-related costs and benefits, which fundamentally affect their survival and reproductive success. Group living provides better access to food and mates and ... -
Mating systems and infant care of cooperatively breeding black-fronted tamarins (Leontocebus nigrifrons)
(2020-04-21)In animal societies, individual fitness partly depends on a decision on whether or not to provide parental care, and the number of mating partners. The later defines a social mating system, whereas consequences of copulations, ... -
Dynamics and fitness benefits of male-male sociality in wild Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
(2020-03-06)Males living in multi-male groups display a wide range of relationships with co-resident males, varying from high levels of competition, intolerance and avoidance to cooperation, affiliation and social bonds. Despite the ... -
The role of oxytocin, testosterone and cortisol in affiliation and bonding in male Barbary macaqaues
(2020-01-30)Many group living mammals minimize the costs of sociality by forming stable affiliative relationships, termed social bonds, with other group members. These bonds are highly adaptive as they increase fitness, and strongly ... -
Group coordination during collective movements in Guinea baboons (Papio papio)
(2019-11-08)Despite potentially diverging interests, members of social groups coordinate to maintain group cohesion. The mechanisms and processes of group coordination are modulated by species- and context-specific factors. The genus ... -
Integrating behavior, hormones and genes associated with the primate HPA-axis
(2019-04-17)For zoologists, and especially primatologists, it has been a longstanding aim to decipher the causes of individual variability. Phenotypes associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis, a central physiological ... -
Aging and its impact on sociality in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)
(2018-04-13)With the aging of the human population, studies on the causes and consequences and, particularly, age-associated diseases, are attracting substantial attention. But how does aging affect peoples’ motivation to engage with ... -
Intra- and Intersexual Selection on Men: Their Relative Importance and Hormonal Underpinnings
(2018-01-26)Male competition is an important influence on the distribution of resources, such as mates, food or territory, and has been shown to be more strongly implicated, compared to female mate choice, in sexual selection on men. ... -
Secular changes in sexual and natural selection against deleterious genetic mutations in humans
(2017-12-20)All genetic variation once arose by mutation. Genetic variation is the substance on which natural selection can act, but mutations are random. Therefore, new variations usually have negative or no effects on an organism’s ... -
Social relationships of female Guinea baboons (Papio papio) in Senegal
(2017-08-02)Biologists and psychologists have held a long-term fascination for understanding sex-specific life history behaviours. Selection pressures occur via three main evolutionary mechanisms which may influence males and females ...