Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Advisor & Referee "Ostner, Ilona Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Family Members, Not Workers
(2019-03-14)This study aims to understand how family caregivers experience their roles as family care helpers (FCHs). These FCHs are qualified as such within the long-term care insurance (LTCI) programme that South Korea implemented ... -
Ungewissheit als zentrale Erfahrung
(2017-08-18)Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and indeterminate colitis. There are approximately 300.000 people in Germany, who got diagnosed with this chronic relapsing–remitting inflammatory ... -
Motivation von Seniorinnen und Senioren zur sportlichen Betätigung: Eine empirische Untersuchung mittels qualitativer Interviews in und um Göttingen.
(2015-07-22)This dissertation aims at solving the question why some seniors start participating in sporting activities while others remain inactive. A focus on the target group of senior citizens is of growing importance due to ... -
„Ich sehe nur, wie sich die Menschen plagen“: Gesundheitsvorstellungen, -risiken und -verhalten von Berufspolitikern – eine empirische Analyse
(2014-04-25)The aim of the study titled Empirical analysis of health concepts, risks and behavior of German members of parliament is to analyze the work-related health strain of members of the German parliament. Objective of the study ... -
Erwerbstätig oder Hausfrau?
(2013-06-20)Over the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s the female employment in Europe increased while simultaneously there was a decline of male employment. However in spite of the policy change towards an “adult worker model” women are more ... -
Europäisierung deutscher Migrationspolitik
(2012-07-31)Facing global migration movements, there seems to be no doubt anymore that Germany today has become an immigration country. During the last years increasingly the development of a common migration area can be observed. In ... -
Rechtstransfer im Fokus. Die Übertragung europäischen Rechts im Bereich der Gleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern im Rahmen des Erweiterungsprozesses nach Bulgarien und Rumänien
(2011-02-24)The European enlargement towards East European countries started right after the fundamental changes, which took place in the beginning 1990s. Since then, Bulgaria and Romania as well as ... -
Zwischen Sorgerecht und Unterhaltspflicht.
(2009-01-29)Nowadays, some fathers find themselves in an inconsistent situation. On the one hand, demographic changes have caused a re-definition of men s role within families who are no longer exclusively ... -
Patienten- und Bürgerbeteiligung im Gesundheitswesen Deutschlands, Finnlands und Polens
(2006-11-08)The thesis explores forms and political objectives of patient and citizen involvement in different European health care systems. In particular, it focuses on how the program of user ... -
Das Scheitern der gesundheitspolitischen Steuerungsversuche der ersten rot-grünen Bundesregierung im Arzneimittelwesen
(2005-12-27)This paper is concerned with an investigation of the health policy of the Social Democratic/ Green Party coalition government during the whole of its first period of office in the years ... -
Qualitätsmanagement in der Jugend- und Sozialhilfe
(2005-08-15)The study deals with the context, multidisciplinary connections, organization, acceptance and benefit assessment of quality management in social services and especially examines the tool ... -
Die Bedeutung der intrinsischen Motivation in Prinzipal-Agent-Beziehungen am Beispiel der Beratungsstellen kirchlicher Wohlfahrtsverbände
(2005-02-28)This thesis examines whether and how economic organization theory especially in the form of principal agent theory, can be extended by the factor of 'intrinsic motivation'. Following previous ... -
Das Altenheim - immer noch eine "Totale Institution" ?
(2004-12-20)The PhD thesis focuses on the concept of the "total institution" which has been developed by Erving Goffman with a mental hospital serving as an example. In principle, the concept claims ... -
Berufsausbildung in Deutschland und den USA
(2003-07-25)In this work the author answers the question why in the history of the USA different initiatives to introduce a German-like national apprenticeship system have failed to sustain. The ... -
Parentalité et travail familial en France et en Allemagne - le parentalisme, nouveau mode de régulation ? -
(2003-05-14)The contemporary evolutions of the family and their dynamics are the starting point of our research. Our object is to show how these changes have placed the relations between the child and ... -
Die Entstehung der koreanischen Chaebol
(2001-11-07) -
Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeber
(2000-12-13)Although the comparative labour market research often highlights the importance of the incorporation of trade unions and employers' organisations into the formulation and implementation of ...