Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Advisor & Referee "Reese-Schäfer, Walter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
God Help the Girl
(2022-08-31)This dissertation seeks to determine the policy stances of the Catholic Churches in Poland and the Philippines regarding the issue of prostitution. It endeavors to explain why these stances diverge, despite the two Churches ... -
Double Deterrence and International Mediation
(2018-03-15)The existing research on nuclear deterrence generally focuses on direct deterrence between the parties of a conflict, such as nuclear deterrence between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Even after the Cold ... -
Deliberative Ideale im Kontext informeller Bürgerbeteiligung
(2017-04-07)Deliberative participation arrangements are understood to fulfill three criteria: (1) they enable an effective involvement of citizens; (2) they take place in pre-conceived settings and thus do not occur spontaneously; (3) ... -
Feindbild Jude, Feindbild Großstadt. Antisemitismus und Großstadtfeindschaft im völkischen Denken
(2017-03-02)The study analysis the connection of antisemitism and antiurbanism in voelkish thought between 1902 and 1940. The discourse about urban life and Jews in the voelkish movement is based on three topoi: The personification ... -
A Strong Conservative Mandate? - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen konservativer Politik am Beispiel der Reformdebatte um Social Security während des 109th United States Congress
(2014-09-02)The successes and setbacks of the Tea Party movement in American national politics over the last few years raise the question under which conditions it is possible to enact conservative policies on the national level in ... -
Outside the Wire: Foucault's Ethics and the Canadian Military
(2012-09-24)Foucault believed an ethical person developed through “self forming activity” and the exercise of free will. Foucault’s theories on ethics and power-knowledge, however, can be viewed as a contradiction. The problem, say ...