Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Bandelow, Borwin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Stellenwert des Opioidantagonisten Naltrexon bei stationär behandelten Borderline-Patienten
(2016-09-23)Introduction: Although 85% of inpatients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) receive psychotropic drug treatment, no drug is approved for this indication so far. A dysregulation of the endogenous opioid system ... -
Der Verlauf der Lebensqualität von Brustkrebspatientinnen in Abhängigkeit von Patientinnenmerkmalen und psychoonkologischem Angebot
(2016-09-12)The psycho-oncological treatment of patients with breast cancer plays a prominent role in the multimodal care of breast cancer. Important aims are the improvement of quality of life and the decrease of anxiety and ... -
Störungsspezifische, visuelle emotionale Stimuli bei der Agoraphobie mit Panikstörung
(2012-09-14)Visual emotional stimulation is supposed to elicit psycho-vegetative reactions, which are similar to as the ones elicited by exposure to actual experience. Visual stimulation paradigms have been widely used in studies on ... -
Ernst Jünger - eine Annäherung an Drogen - Medizinische Analyse seiner LSD-Versuche
(2012-05-09)The thesis in hand deals with the drug experiments of author Ernst Jünger. Special emphasis is placed on his LSD - experiments. This thesis compares the symptoms of LSD induced ecstasy as shown by Ernst Jünger in his ... -
Darstellung der Wirksamkeit von kognitiv-behavioraler Therapie und Antidepressiva-Therapie bei der Behandlung der Generalisierten Angststörung
(2012-02-29)The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) was depicted based on meta-analytic methods by means of effect size (ES) calculations ... -
Veränderung von Problemen und Zielen im Therapieverlauf
(2010-11-19)This thesis analyzes data from a controlled and randomized study of the psychotherapeutic treatment of 51 patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). GAD is a common condition tending ... -
Darstellung der Ziele und Probleme von Patienten mit Generalisierter Angststörung
(2010-11-17)The text analysis with PATH (Problems and aims in therapy); (Staats et al. 1996; Staats et al. 2002) and mastery-awareness scale (Staats 2009) provides a multidimensional view on the ... -
Früher Tod.
(2010-11-03)The paper deals with the analysis of Charlie Parker"s life from a medical point of view. Additionally focussed is the psychiatric question if Parker possibly suffered from a personality disorder. Charlie Parker, also known ... -
Das Quantifizierungs-Inventar für somatoforme Syndrome (QUISS)
(2007-08-01)Background: A somatoform disorder is a disabling psychiatric illness, which is mostly chronic without adequate treatment. To date, there is no disturbance model, which is able to explain ...