Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Burfeind, Peter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Einfluss der Expression von Signaltransduktion-, Stammzell- und Zellzyklus-assoziierten Genen auf das Gesamtüberleben von pädiatrischen Glioblastompatienten
(2023-07-31)The Glioblastoma multiforme, as a highly malignant brain tumor, is associated with a very unfavorable prognosis. The median survival time after diagnosis is reported to be nine months to two years, with a 5-year survival ... -
Dissektion der prognostischen Heterogenität komplexer Anomalien beim myelodysplastischen Syndrom (MDS) durch Entwicklung eines Punkte Scores
(2023-01-11)The aim of this work was the development of an additive score for the prognostic classification of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients with three or more chromosomal abnormalities. To create the score, 253 patients ... -
Einfluss verschiedener KRAS-Mutationen auf das Ansprechen von kolorektalen Zellen auf eine 5-Fluorouracil-basierende Radiochemotherapie in Anwesenheit von Rezeptortyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren
(2022-02-14)Aims: Mutations of the proto-oncogene KRAS are supposed to lead to an increased activity of KRAS inducing a constitutive activation of the downstream MAPK signaling pathway. The aim of the work was to investigate the ... -
Epigenetische Veränderung von zirkulierender Tumor-DNA im Ethylendiamintetraessigsäure (EDTA)-Plasma von Mammakarzinompatienten
(2021-11-22)This proof-of-concept study with the title “Epigenetic alteration of circulating tumor DNA in the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) plasma of breast cancer patients” discussed whether hypermethylated gene sequences ... -
Optimierte expressionsbasierte Mikrodissektion an Formalin-fixiertem Gewebe des Adenokarzinoms der Lunge
(2021-04-13)In precision medicine of tumors, the analysis of specific DNA alterations is crucial for targeted therapy. Lung cancer represents a prototypical example and is also one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths ... -
Phänotyp-Analyse und Genotyp-Phänotyp-Assoziationen bei 83 mit FOXG1-Syndrom
(2019-05-13)Purpose: The aim of this study was to increase the knowlegde about the clinical spectrum and to evaluate genotyp-phenotyp associations in FOXG1 syndrome due to FOXG1 variants. Methods: We recruited 30 new and 53 reported ... -
uPAR und c-MYC beim duktalen Adenokarzinom des Pankreas
(2018-08-16)The dismal prognosis of pancreatic cancer is closely related to aggressive tumor development that leads to diagnosis in advanced stages and limited curative concepts. Urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) ... -
Analyse von Mikrosatelliteninstabilität und hMSH2-Expression bei Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie
(2017-06-12)Acute myeloid leukemia, the most common acute leukemia in adults, is a malignant, genetically heterogeneous, clonal disorder, which is based on haemopoietic progenitor cells with a disrupted ability of self-renewal, ... -
Expression des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktorrezeptors Her2/neu in Rektumkarzinomen des lokal fortgeschrittenen Stadiums UICC II / III - Validierung an Patienten der Phase-III-Studien der German Rectal Cancer Study Group
(2016-08-22)Validation of the frequency of the expression of her2/neu in rectal cancer. Her2/neu is an epidermal growth factor receptor known from breast or oesophagus cancer and thought to be a possible therapy target in rectal cancer. -
Entwicklung von Rekombinase-Polymerase-Amplifikations-Verfahren zum schnellen Nachweis von hochpathogenen Erregern
(2015-06-26)Zoonoses are infectious diseases transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans and vice versa. Some zoonotic diseases caused by highly pathogenic agents represent a public health risk. Early diagnosis is essential to ... -
Die Bedeutung der Thymidinphosphorylase bei Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Rektumkarzinom (UICC-Stadium-II/-III) im Kontext einer 5-FU basierten multimodalen Therapie
(2014-06-19)Thymidine phosphorylase (TP) is an enzyme, which is involved in the physiological metabolism of each cell. There it acts as an angiogenic factor, but further catalyzes at least three known reactions, which are related to ... -
Chromosomale Veränderungen astrozytärer Tumoren in der komparativen genomischen Hybridisierung (CGH) und deren prognostischer Einfluss
(2014-03-05)Advances in molecular pathologic characterization of tumor diseases have increasingly influenced the clinical practice in recent years. The aim of this study was the analysis of astrocytic gliomas of WHO-grades II to IV ... -
Identifizierung potentieller Onkogene und therapeutischer Zielgene auf Chromosom 13q beim Kolonkarzinom
(2013-01-29)Colorectal carcinomas are characterized by a specific pattern of chromosomal imbalances accumulating during tumor progression. Among others, chromosome 13q is frequently gained. However, the genes representing targets of ... -
Molekularzytogenetische Veränderungen bei kolorektalen Karzinomen und Lebermetastasen kolorektaler Karzinome
(2012-11-05)Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is one of the most common malignant neoplasms in Germany. Most patients die due to metastases, whereas the liver is the most affected metastatic site. Nowadays scientists use molecularcytogenetic ... -
KRAS und BRAF Mutationen im lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom
(2012-06-05)The aim of this study was to analyse mutations in BRAF and KRAS in locally advanced rectal cancer. For the first time, pretherapeutic biopsy were used to determine the mutation status. In the analysis no V600E mutations ... -
In-vitro-Untersuchungen zu transkriptionellen und translationalen Zusammenhängen von COX2 und MUC4 im Pankreaskarzinom
(2011-06-23)Pancreatic Cancer is characterized by an aggressive tumor biology with early metastasation, limited treatment modalities and a poor prognosis. In the last years various molecules have been ... -
Vergleich von Mikronukleus- und Chromosomenaberrationstechnik bei der Dokumentation zytogenetischer Schäden in neoadjuvant radio-chemotherapierten Rektumkarzinompatienten
(2011-03-11)Radio- and chemotherapy cause DNA strand breaks that can be detected in peripheral blood by isolating and cultivating lymphocytes. The micronucleus test as well as the chromosome aberration ... -
Etablierung eines Plasmid-basierten Testsystems zur funktionellen Messung der zellulären Doppelstrangbruch-Reparaturfähigkeit in hämatopoetischen Zellen
(2011-03-04)Alterations and deficiencies in individual DNA repair systems seem to be involved in the development of therapy-related myeloid leukemia (t-AML). Studies of polymorphisms suggest differences ... -
Prognostischer Zusammenhang zwischen Mutationen des KIT- und PDGFRA-Gens und molekularzytogenetischen Veränderungen gastrointestinaler Stromatumoren
(2010-10-22)BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are CD117-positive mesenchymal tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. With molecular-cytogenetic methods several relationships between DNA ... -
Chromosomale Veränderungen von Hirnmetastasen klarzelliger Nierenzellkarzinome
(2010-06-24)181 brain metastases of clear cell renal cell carcinomas were analyzed by CGH and compared with CGH results of 189 primary clear cell renal cell carcinomas. Outstanding alteration of brain ...