Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Dechent, Peter PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Longitudinale Evaluation der Konnektivität des motorischen Handareals sowie der motorischen Performance und Gedächtniskonsolidierung uni- und bipolar depressiver Patienten
(2023-04-06)Unipolar and bipolar depression are common disorders with a combined lifetime prevalence of approximately 6.5%, which can lead to severe limitations in the daily lives of those affected. Although clinically less frequently ... -
Einfluss von frontaler Theta-Oszillation auf kognitive Kontrolle mittels transkranieller Wechselstromstimulation (tACS)
(2022-04-20)θ band and θ-γ cross-frequency coupling (CFC) of the cingulate and frontal cortices have been linked to fundamental processes of cognitive control. This work investigates the role of specific brain oscillations in cognitive ... -
Der Einfluss von nicht invasiver transkranieller Stromstimulation auf das assoziative episodische Gedächtnis
(2021-05-26)Several studies imply that non-invasive transcranial current stimulation can modulate associative episodic memory. It represents one of the first cognitive function that is negatively affected by healthy aging processes ... -
Funktionelle Konnektivität der Substantia nigra in einem generellen Aufmerksamkeitstest bei idiopathischem Stottern – eine klinische Studie mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomografie
(2020-11-03)Speaking is a unique human ability. Fluency in speaking requires the interaction of motoric and sensory processes and is based on complex neural processes. The ability to speak freely is taken for granted to most people. ... -
Der Einfluss von verbalen Instruktionen und Placebostimulationen auf instrumentelles Lernen
(2020-06-24)Most people might think of „placebos“ as “ineffective substances” that doctors prescribe when they think that their patients are faking an illness. Many years, placebos have been misunderstood, unable to elicit real effects. ... -
Manipulation of the Working Memory Performance in Humans using Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation over the Frontoparietal Network
(2018-11-14)The working memory (WM) is a key mechanism that ensures complex behavior in humans. It requires the bilateral activation of the fronto-parietal brain network and has been subdivided on the phonological loop, which processes ... -
Untersuchung struktureller zerebraler Alterationen bei Patienten mit idiopathisch-generalisierter Epilepsie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Janz-Syndroms
(2015-09-30)The aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate (micro-) structural alterations of the brain in patients with idiopathic-generalized epilepsy. 25 patients, subdivided in IGE (13) and in the subclass juvenile myoclonic ... -
Strukturell-hirnmorphologische Unterschiede zwischen Alkoholabhängigen mit und ohne affektive Komorbidität - eine retrospektive MRT-Studie
(2015-05-22)This retrospective investigation studied whether alcohol dependent subjects with (n = 42) and without (n = 35) comorbid affective pathology displayed different patterns of structural cortical and subcortical alterations. ... -
Prognostische Aussagekraft von White Matter Lesions auf den kognitiven Verlauf bei Patienten mit zerebraler Mikroangiopathie
(2014-11-03)White matter lesions (WML) of the brain are a frequent finding in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and their significance remains a controversy. The aim of the study was to identify prognostic value of WML and other risk ... -
MRT-volumetrische Untersuchung des Volumens des Lobulus centralis des Kleinhirns bei Patienten mit einer bipolaren affektiven Störung oder einer Schizophrenie
(2014-09-29)MRI-volumetric Examination of the Volume of Cerebellar Lobulus Centralis in Patients with Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Bipolar Disorder (BD) and Schizophrenia (SZ) are common diseases, but their neurobiologic ... -
Funktionell-hirnbildgebende Untersuchung zu endophänotypischen Markern bei erstgradigen Angehörigen schizophrener Patienten
(2013-11-12)Thanks to the current development of modern neuro-imaging, a greater understanding of the neural correlates of cognitive processing has been achieved. Because of this advancement, it is now possible to analyze the identified ... -
Funktionell- hirnbildgebende Untersuchung zu endophänotypischen Markern bei erstgradigen Angehörigen bipolarer Patienten
(2013-11-12)Background: Bipolar disorder is marked by multifactorial etiology. As there is no evidence for a uniform etiology the search for neurobiological correlates, so called endophenotypes, are an important part of the research ... -
Hirnstrukturelle Veränderungen bei schizophren Ersterkrankten – der Einfluss von Cannabis und familiärer Belastung
(2013-09-06)Als wichtige Faktoren für die Entstehung der Schizophrenie werden sowohl Cannabiskonsum als Umwelteinfluss wie auch das Vorkommen der Erkrankung bei erst- und zweitgradigen Verwandten als genetischer Einfluss diskutiert. ... -
Gyrifizierung und Hirnvolumen bei mono- und dizygoten Zwillingspaaren - Ein Vergleich
(2013-01-11)Many studies reported that gyrification and brain volumes are strongly genetically influenced. The aim of this study is to analyze the genetic influence on gyrification in prefrontal lobe and volumes of prefrontal lobes, ... -
Eine Voxel-basierte morphometrische Untersuchung der Effekte von Suszeptibilitätsgenen der Schizophrenie auf hirnregionale Volumina der grauen Substanz
(2012-09-28)The etiology of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders is characterized by a strong genetic influence which was confirmed in family, twin and adoption studies. Within genome wide coupling and association studies ... -
Differenzierung motorischer kortiko-subkortikaler Netzwerke mit funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie
(2012-08-15)Cortico-subcortical connections are organized in circuits. These are divided in a tripartite manner into the sensorimotor, associative and limbic loop. Corresponding subdivision has been shown for cortical areas as well ... -
Verarbeitung des relativen Belohnungswertes im menschlichen Gehirn. Eine Metaanalyse hirnbildgebender Studien.
(2012-02-06)In human life rewards function as an incentive for goal-directed behaviour and contribute amongst others to learning and optimising behaviour. By functional imaging using fmri and pet, ... -
Vergleichende MR-volumetrische Untersuchung des dorsolateralen präfrontalen Kortex bei Schizophrenie, Bipolarer Störung, Zwangserkrankung und gesunden Kontrollpersonen
(2011-03-07)The presented doctoral thesis deals with the MR-volumetric measurement of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of patients suffering from different psychiatric diseases. In schizophrenia ... -
Vergleichende MR- volumetrische Untersuchung des orbitofrontalen Kortex bei Schizophrenie, bipolarer Störung, Zwangserkrankung und gesunden Kontrollpersonen
(2011-02-15)Reduced prefrontal cortex volumes in schizophrenia patients compared to healthy control subjects have been reported several times in literature. The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) as a part of ... -
Das verbale Arbeitsgedächtnis - Gedächtniseffekte, kortikale Kurzzeitplastizität und Strategieunterschiede
(2011-02-14)Former studies concerning cortical short-term-plasticity usually only covered two certain points of measuring. One point right before and another point after the training time. In this study, 22 subjects were fMRI-examined ...