Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Oppermann, Martin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 387
Auswirkungen der Rezeptor-Dimerisierung auf das Calcium-imaging muskarinerger Acetylcholinrezeptoren M1, M3 und M5
(2022-12-15)This dissertation focuses on the effects of receptor-dimerization regarding the muscarinic Acetylcholine-receptors M1, M3 and M5. The goal was to evaluate whether the dimerization between homo- or heterologous receptor ... -
Auswirkungen von Dimerisierung auf die Signalgebung der Serotonin-Rezeptoren 2A, 2B und 2C
(2021-11-09)Dimerization of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) has become a big field of research as there is increasing evidence that it has a huge impact on the signaling of receptors. In this work we focused on the group of ... -
Effekte chemisch induzierter β-Arrestin-1-Translokation an die Chemokinrezeptoren CXCR4 und CCR5
(2021-07-19)Based on heterodimerization of chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CCR5 with β-arrestin 1 in co-expressing HEK 293 cells, this study shows β-arrestin 1-dependent effects without usual ligand induced receptor and G protein ... -
Kriterien für die frühe Integration von Palliativmedizin in der Pädiatrie
(2021-06-10)Early integration of palliative care in paediatrics The aim of the present study was to determine criteria for the (early) integration of palliative care in paediatrics from the perspective of paediatricians in both private ... -
Der Einfluss chronischer Schmerzen als Komorbidität auf den klinischen Verlauf bei Patienten mit akuter Herpes-Zoster-Infektion
(2021-06-07)Objective: Pre-existing chronic pain has been associated with severe postoperative pain. To analyze the impact of chronic pain on non-surgical acute pain a cohort of patients with acute herpes zoster was studied. Methods: ... -
Pathologische Zahnwanderung der Frontzähne im parodontal geschädigten Gebiss
(2021-05-31)Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to quantify pathologic tooth migration and to establish associations between the severity of periodontitis and tooth migration. Relationships between oral health-related quality ... -
Untersuchung zur Reliabilität elektronischer Registriersysteme am Beispiel des ARCUSdigma II
(2021-05-27)In digital axiography relative motions of the mandible are recorded with a paraocclusal mounted writing bow and a facebow attached to the head. The attachment of the writing bow is either carried out by individualized ... -
Einfluss der endovaskulären Therapie mit und ohne intravenöse Thrombolyse auf die Kognition bei Patienten mit gutem funktionellen Outcome nach ischämischem Schlaganfall
(2021-05-25)The targeted use of endovascular therapy, with or without intravenous thrombolysis in acute large cerebral vessel occlusion stroke has been proven to be superior compared to intravenous thrombolysis alone. Despite favorable ... -
Nanobody-basierter Sensor für die Zell-zu-Zell-Übertragung von α-Synuclein bei Morbus Parkinson
(2021-05-18)Aggregation and cell-to-cell transmission of α-Synuclein (αSyn) are hallmarks of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease. In this work, it is shown that the nanobody NbSyn87, previously described ... -
Prognostische Faktoren für wiederholte zahnmedizinische Behandlungen von Kindern in Vollnarkose
(2021-05-11)The aim of this retrospective study was to characterize the patient population and evaluate potential risk factors which predict repeated dental treatment of children under general anesthesia (GA). Children included in the ... -
Etablierung neuer immunhistochemischer Marker zur Unterscheidung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Lunge und des HNO-Traktes
(2021-05-06)Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) can develop both pulmonary metastases (metHNSCC) and metachronous primary squamous cell carcinomas of the lung (SQCLC) in the course of their disease. Despite the ... -
Comparison of sarcopenia and cachexia in men with chronic heart failure: Results from the Studies Investigating Co-morbidities Aggravating Heart Failure (SICA-HF)
(2021-05-05)Muscle wasting is acknowledged as a co-morbidity of heart failure (HF) and is associated with poor prognosis (ESC 2016). Cardiac cachexia is known to cause reduced functional capacity, more frequent hospitalization, and ... -
Tageszeitabhängige Abweichungen der statischen und dynamischen Okklusion
(2021-04-20)Introduction. Occlusion, i.e. the sum of contacts between teeth of the maxilla and mandible, plays a decisive role in the pathogenesis of temporomandibular disorders (tmd) and in restorative therapy. Static and dynamic ... -
Untersuchung der Rolle von Eotaxin-1 nach ischämischem Schlaganfall im Mausmodell: Neuroprotektion, Neuroregeneration oder destruktiv-proinflammatorische Rolle?
(2021-04-15)Der ischämische Schlaganfall ist eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in der westlichen Welt und führt oftmals zu einer dauerhaften Behinderung mit relevanten sozioökonomischen Konsequenzen. Die kausale Therapie besteht aus ... -
Optimierte expressionsbasierte Mikrodissektion an Formalin-fixiertem Gewebe des Adenokarzinoms der Lunge
(2021-04-13)In precision medicine of tumors, the analysis of specific DNA alterations is crucial for targeted therapy. Lung cancer represents a prototypical example and is also one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths ... -
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1) modulates plasticity of human melanoma cells
(2021-04-09)Malignant melanoma is by far the type of skin cancer with the highest mortality. As is the case for most cancers, metastasis is the major limiting factor determining therapeutic options and survival of the patients. Despite ... -
Kontentanalytische Studie zu Amokfahrten im Spektrum schwerer Verkehrsunfälle mit Personenschäden aus deutschen Presseberichten
(2021-03-25)Press reports on catastrophic traffic accidents with fatalities and injuries in German newspapers gave readers the impression in recent years that these were increasingly the result of rampage driving. In this study, it ... -
Korrelationen zwischen kephalometrischen Werten und dem Knochenangebot intraoraler Spenderregionen für präimplantologische Knochenaugmentationen
(2021-03-04)In this retrospective study 108 radiographic images consisting of one lateral cephalometric radiograph (ceph), one panoramic radiograph (OPG) and one cone-beam-computed-tomography (CBCT) image per one of the 36 healthy ... -
Auswirkungen auf das adulte Gehirn bei prolongierter Substitution von Cannabidiol
(2021-03-01)The Cannabis plant contains more than 100 active ingredients, which in part are psychoactive. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid of the plant Cannabis sativa L., which is not psychoactive and is increasingly used in ... -
Einfluss von fäkalem Calprotectin auf klinische Entscheidungen bei Patienten mit Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa
(2021-02-22)Faecal calprotectin (FC) seems to be the best available biomarker for the detection of intestinal inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this study is to clarify whether the measurement ...