Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Petzke, Frank Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Akutschmerztherapie in der stationären Patientenversorgung an deutschen Krankenhäusern
(2018-01-04)In 2007, the German national guidelines on "Treatment of acute perioperative and post-traumatic pain" were published. The aim of this study was to describe current structure and process data for acute pain management in ... -
Analyse perioperativer analgetischer Konzepte nach Majoramputationen der unteren Extremität an der UMG 2013 – 2016
(2023-01-31)In this study, we were primarily interested in which perioperative analgesic procedures were used for a major amputation of the lower extremity at the University Medical Centre Göttingen in the period from 2013 to 2016 and ... -
Barrieren und Potentiale der Lebensstilberatung in der Hausarztpraxis.
(2018-01-17)An inactive lifestyle is considered one of the major causes for type 2 diabetes and non-specific neck pain. Consequently, lifestyle interventions are endorsed as promising therapeutic option. But, unfortunately, there is ... -
Beeinträchtigung der Arbeitsfähigkeit durch Fibromyalgie und Auswirkung der Therapie mit Pregabalin - Meta-Analyse von Einzelpatientendaten aus drei randomisierten klinischen Studien
(2014-11-03)Individual patient data from three randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, 13 or 14 week long trials of pregabalin for fibromyalgia had been provided by Pfizer Inc. 2228 such datasets were available for analysis. ... -
Der Einfluss chronischer Schmerzen auf die Qualität der Akutschmerztherapie bei operativen und nicht-operativen Patienten.
(2024-05-21)In the inpatient care of both surgical and non-surgical patients, improving acute pain therapy remains a key objective to reduce pain, promote recovery, and decrease the risk of pain chronicity. This study examined the ... -
Der Einfluss präoperativer Faktoren auf den postoperativen Schmerzverlauf nach Hüftgelenksersatz
(2021-02-16)Due to the high number of patients suffering from severe postoperative pain, we examined the influence of physical, psychological and clinical risk factors on pain intensity and morphine medication after total hip ... -
Persistierender postoperativer Schmerz nach Hüftgelenksersatz - Prävalenz, Risikofaktoren und Einfluss auf Alltagsfunktionen und Lebensqualität.
(2019-06-24)This prospective observational study investigates the prevalence of persistent postoperative pain (PPOP) after endoprosthetic hip replacement as well as the presence of related risk factors. Furthermore, it was investigated ... -
Profil der schmerztherapeutisch beratenden Dienste am Beispiel einer Universitätsklinik
(2016-09-30)The goal of this study was to create a profile of pain consultation services (PCS) in a university hospital setting. In this particular study, pain consultation services consisted of an acute pain service (APS), a palliative ... -
Qualitätsverbesserung in der Schmerztherapie konservativer (nicht operativer) Patienten (QUIKS) - Ein Modul des QUIPS-Projekts zum Benchmarking der Schmerztherapie bei konservativen Patienten
(2021-01-28)Background. National and international surveys have shown that the quality of pain therapy in hospitals shows deficits, especially in the nonoperative disciplines. Objective. The objective was to develop and clinically ... -
Schmerztherapie in der Onkologie- eine bundesweite Umfrage unter der Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie/ Onkologie
(2017-02-24)Background: Pain is one of the most prevalent and distressing symptoms of patients suffering from cancer. In the field of oncology comprehensive expertise is pursued not only with respect to the administration of ... -
The effect of acute evoked muscular pain at the lower back on motion capture and surface EMG during a repetitive movement task
(2022-05-24)Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common reasons for consulting health care services. Since up to 80% of all people experience LBP at least once in their lifetime, it is of great interest to understand the underlying ... -
The impact of expectation on patient-rated global effectiveness of total hip arthroplasty
(2022-11-28)Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) is a standard elective surgery for hip osteoarthritis when reaching the limits of conservative medicine. Patient-based assessments are increasingly used for quality judgment after medical ... -
Therapeutisches Potenzial der transkraniellen Wechselstromstimulation über dem visuellen Kortex in der häuslichen Behandlung akuter Migräne
(2018-10-10)Around 5,7 million people in Germany suffer from migraine. This disorder leads to strong restrictions in the professional and social life of the affected people. As the standard drug therapy results in several adverse ... -
Untersuchung arbeitsbezogener Endpunkte in randomisierten, kontrollierten Studien zur Behandlung chronischer Schmerzerkrankungen
(2016-07-08)Chronic painful conditions have a significant impact on ability to work. This systematic review aims at analysing work-related outcomes in randomised placebo-controlled trials in chronic painful conditions and painful ... -
Vergleichende Studie zum Verlauf röntgendichter Nervus femoralis-Katheter, die mit der In-plane- und der Out-of-plane-Technik angelegt wurden
(2019-10-25)Comparative study for ultrasound guided placement of femoral nerve catheters in out-of-plane versus in-plane technique, in patients with femoral neck fracture. In this study we aimed to compare two techniques of ultrasound ... -
Wirksamkeit medikamentöser und myofunktioneller Therapiekonzepte beim chronischen Gesichtsschmerz
(2016-06-13)The aim oft the present study was to evaluate the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment and its success of the four most frequently occuring forms of facial pain (myoarthropathy, trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal ...