Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Wulf, Gerald Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Therapeutische Adressierung des PI3K/mTOR-Signalwegs in T-Zell-Lymphomen
(2024-09-02)This dissertation focuses on investigating the relevance of the PI3K/mTOR signaling pathway in T-cell lymphomas. T-cell lymphomas still pose a therapeutic challenge in clinical hematology and are often associated with a ... -
Zur Interaktion von MYC mit TPX2 in der Mitose
(2024-07-15)The transcription factor MYC is one of the most frequently deregulated proteins in oncological diseases; it occupies a central position in malignant transformation due to its essential role in the regulation of proliferation. ... -
Vergleichende immunhistochemische Analyse onkogener Signalwegssignaturen in Lymphomen
(2023-03-03)B-cell lymphomas are a group of malign neoplasms derived from lymphoid B-cells. The targeted therapy of B-cell lymphomas includes the inhibition of oncogene signaling which is mediated via the B-cell receptor (BCR). However, ... -
Evaluation von Ramucirumab und FOLFIRI bezüglich Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit in der palliativen Therapie des Magenkarzinoms
(2021-11-26)Advanced gastric cancer is an epithelial neoplasia of the gastrointestinal tract in which metastasis has often occurred at the time of diagnosis. The treatment options in this palliative situation are mostly drug-based and ... -
Klinische und histologische Prognosefaktoren für Patienten mit rezidivierten / refraktären aggressiven B-Zell-Lymphomen nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation
(2021-10-26)In this retrospective single-centre study, clinical and histological prognostic factors for the survival of 83 patients with relapsed / refractory aggressive B-cell lymphoma after allogeneic stem cell transplantation between ... -
Cytomegalievirusinduzierte Gastroenteritis bei chronisch-entzündlich darmerkrankten und stammzelltransplantierten Patienten: eine retrospektive Studie
(2021-03-16)Cytomegalovirus (CMV) gastroenteritis is a serious complication of immunosuppression in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (STX). CMV gastroenteritis can be ... -
Die Bedeutung der Modulation der Exosomensekretion durch den ABC-Transporter A3 für die intrinsische Zytostatikaresistenz von aggressiven B-Zell-Lymphomen
(2020-05-28)During the therapy of malignant B-cell lymphomas the humoral immunochemotherapy with anthracycline-based chemotherapy and with monoclonal antibodies against the differencing antigen CD20 is the basis of the primary therapy. ... -
Einfluss einer Radiatio in der Salvagetherapie aggressiver Lymphome auf das Gesamtüberleben sowie auf das rezidiv- bzw. progressfreie Überleben in Abhängigkeit von einer Erstlinientherapie mit und ohne Rituximab
(2019-06-11)In the age of immunochemotherapy, no evidence-based recommendation could yet be made for the application of radiotherapy on relapsed, therapy-refractory aggressive b-cell lymphoma. Currently, it is applied as a consolidating ... -
Evaluation von Antagonisten des Wnt-3a-Signalwegs in diffusen großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphomen
(2018-11-26)Deregulated activation of Wnt-3a-signaling is a mechanism of intratumoral homeostasis in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The topic of this study was to evaluate antagonists of this signal pathway for the first time ... -
Prävalenz benigner Lymphadenopathie bei Patienten mit autoimmunen Schilddrüsenerkrankungen
(2018-06-19)Aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of benign lymphadenopathy in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. To our knowledge there is no other study evaluating all Robbins levels in patients with AIT considering ... -
The role of chromosomal instability in therapy response of colorectal cancer
(2017-11-09)Chromosomal instability (CIN) represents a major hallmark of cancer and is defined as the perpetual gain or loss of whole chromosomes during mitotic cell division. It is thought that CIN can drive tumor cell evolution by ... -
Inhibition des microRNA-Clusters 17-92 als mögliche Leukämietherapie
(2017-09-29)The dysregulation of microRNAs appears to be a crucial factor in leukemia. Therefore, therapies might be possible that target the altered expression of proliferation-regulating microRNAs. The microRNA cluster 17-92 was ... -
Suszeptibilität parthenogenetischer Stammzellen und ihrer Derivate gegenüber zytotoxischen Effektormechanismen
(2017-03-22)Parthenogenetic stem cells may provide an attractive new source in regenerative medicine. As their major histocompability complex (MHC) ist haploidentical, PSC-banks may offer ready access to MHC-matched allogeneic stem ... -
Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität bei Tumorpatienten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung krebsassoziierter Fatigue
(2016-10-19)In the light of increasing incidence of cancer alongside with prolonged survival, Health Related Quality Of Life (HRQOL) is becoming increasingly important in clinical decision-making. Some HRQOL-domains, or symptom-items ... -
Das Expressionsverhalten von ABCA3 und TTF-1 in nicht-kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinomen
(2016-08-15)Objectives: Clinical characteristics of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) like poor outcome, high recurrence rates in low tumor stages and only temporary response to chemotherapy are caused by tumor cells with poorly ... -
Der natürliche Wnt-Antagonist SFRP4 in der Wachstumsregulation von diffusen großzelligen B-Zell-Lymphomen
(2016-04-04)The heterogeneous biology of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and the resulting differences in treatment response and prognosis represent a significant problem in the current treatment of DLBCL. Anomalies in canonical ... -
Histopathologische Veränderungen im zentralen Nervensystem nach peripherer Stammzelltransplantation
(2016-03-04)Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation is used as a treatment for different hemic diseases and some autoimmune disorders. We examined histopathological changes in the central nervous system of 19 patients who underwent ... -
Das Antihelminthikum Niclosamid inhibiert das Wachstum kolorektaler Karzinomzelllinien durch Modulation des kanonischen und des nicht-kanonischen Wnt-Signalweges
(2016-01-25)Wnt/ β-catenin-signalling is known to play an important role in colorectal cancer. Niclosamide, a salicylamide derivative used for the treatment of tapeworm infections, targets the Wnt/ β-catenin-pathway. The objective of ... -
Putative Tumorstammzellen mit SP-Phänotyp in aggressiven B-Zell-Lymphomen
(2015-08-27)The most common aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) which makes up 30-40% of all NHL. Within many tumor entities, solid as well as hematological, a defined subpopulation ... -
Expressionshemmung von MCM3 in Glioblastomen durch RNA-Interferenz
(2015-03-06)This work shows effects of specific suppression of MCM3-protein, which is upregulated in human glioblastoma cells (U87MG), by using RNAi. The effects on metabolic activity, cell viability, proliferation, cell cycle and ...