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Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Cognitive Foundations of Ascribing Intentional Action 

      Garbisch, Isa (2024-08-09)
      Understanding and interpreting actions is fundamental for profoundly social beings like humans. We explain and predict intentional actions of others by reference to mental states, such as beliefs, desires and intentions. ...
    • Altercentric Bias: A Potential New Window into Implicit Theory of Mind 

      Haskaraca Kizilay, Feride Nur (2023-07-24)
      It has been traditionally assumed that theory of mind (ToM) -our ability to ascribe mental states to others and ourselves- emerges around age four, as indicated in performance on standard explicit false belief (FB) tasks ...
    • The Development of Recursive Meta-Representational Theory of Mind 

      Schidelko, Lydia Paulin (2023-06-02)
      Domain-general theories of Theory of Mind development assume that the ability to understand mental states (representations) as such is based on a fundamental understanding of representa-tions as representations ...
    • Children’s Subjective Understanding of Conative Mental States 

      Schünemann, Britta Dorothea (2021-06-25)
      In our everyday lives, one substantial factor is to make sense of other agents’ actions. We describe and explain these actions by referring to the agents’ cognitive states, such as knowledge and beliefs, and their conative ...
    • Selective social belief revision in preschoolers 

      Miosga, Nadja (2020-02-25)
      Recent research has shown that from the early beginning of development, children selectively form new beliefs by monitoring the competence and reliability of social sources of information (e.g., Harris, 2012). Successful ...
    • The evolutionary roots of intuitive statistics 

      Eckert, Johanna (2018-12-04)
      Intuitive statistical reasoning is the capacity to draw intuitive probabilistic inferences based on an understanding of the relations between populations, sampling processes and resulting samples. This capacity is fundamental ...
    • Theory of Mind: Four-year-revolution revisited 

      Oktay-Gür, Nese (2017-06-20)
      The standard picture of Theory of Mind development is this: Children begin to explicitly ascribe beliefs and other propositional attitudes to themselves and others around age four. Therefore, this has been considered as ...
    • Aspects of Temporal Cognition in Children's Development: 

      Lohse, Karoline (2014-02-10)
      The dissertation focuses on three aspects of children’s temporal cognition: (1) Children’s capacity to reason about temporal and causal relations between past, present and future events was investigated. In two experiments, ...