Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Varrelmann, Mark Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Epidemiological studies on wheat blast (Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum, MoT) with special reference to potential biocontrol
(2024-07-18)Wheat blast (WB) is an economically important disease caused by Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum (MoT) pathogen. It may cause up to 100% yield loss, concerning global food security. The epidemiology of WB, seed ... -
On the track of virus yellows resistance in Beta vulgaris - molecular tools and resistance mechanisms for disease management
(2024-04-19)The virus yellows (VY) diseases complex in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris L.) has been an increasing problem for European beet cultivation since the ban on neonicotinoid seed treatment as it is caused by various ... -
Sensing and automatic scoring of sugar-beet fields by using UAV-imagery systems for disease quantification
(2024-04-19)Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) in sugar beet is a damaging leaf disease caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora beticola Sacc. This disease leads to substantial yield diminishment, and its management poses a challenge owing ... -
The effect of global change on multitrophic interactions of sugar beet
(2023-12-01)Global climate change models predict changes in rainfall patterns and rising sea levels, resulting in severe drought and soil salinity, which are already observed in many countries worldwide. Abiotic stressors such as ... -
Biology of Pentastiridius leporinus and approaches to control the main vector of the syndrome ‘basses richesses’ in sugar beet
(2023-08-15)Pentastiridius leporinus (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) is the main vector of Syndrome ‘basses richesses’ (SBR), a fast spreading sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) disease in Central Europe. The disease is caused by two procaryotic phloem ... -
Einfluss der Fruchtfolgen auf das Vorkommen von Wurzel- und Halmbasiskrankheiten an Winterweizen und auf das Mikrobiom im Boden und in der Rhizosphäre
(2023-07-24)In the third phase of this project, from 2013 to 2016, the present work has examined the influence of various crop rotations on the occurrence of different stem basis and root patho-gens of winter wheat. For this purpose, ... -
Molecular causes for symptom expression of beet necrotic yellow vein virus in Beta vulgaris
(2022-07-20)Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is the causal agent of rhizomania, the most important viral disease in sugar beet cultivation. Typical symptoms of rizomania disease is a reduced taproot, yellowing and necrosis ... -
The sugar beet multi-talented resistance protein Rz2
(2022-01-13)Sugar beets infected with the Beet necrotic yellow vein virus show a massive proliferation of rootlets, leaf vein yellowing, and necrosis and can lead to 80 % sugar yield loss. Transmitted by the protist Polymyxa betae ... -
Auftreten und Schadwirkung von Rhizoctonia im deutschen Winterweizenanbau
(2021-11-18)The sharp eye spot on wheat (WSED), caused by Rhizoctonia spp., plays a minor role in German winter wheat cultivation and is therefore considered less important. However, the present work has shown that specific conditions ... -
Charakterisierung von resistenz-überwindenden Isolaten des Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in Zuckerrüben und Stabilität der Resistenz in Abhängigkeit von Umweltbedingungen
(2013-06-18)Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is the causal agent of rhizomania (root madness) in sugar beet and is spread to all sugar beet growing areas worldwide. The virus is transmitted by the soil-borne plasmodiophoromycete ... -
Improvement of the competitiveness of the sugar beet crop in the Netherlands
(2011-08-26)The Dutch sugar industry and sugar beet research institute initiated the project SUSY (Speeding Up Sugar Yield) as a reaction to decreasing beet prices in relation to the reform of the ... -
Fusarium in Zuckerrüben - Artspektrum, Pathogenität und Mykotoxinbildung sowie Kreuzpathogenität in Weizen
(2011-03-02)Fusarium spp. can infect sugar beets in all growth stages and during storage. Especially in the U.S., root and white sugar yield is reduced by Fusarium Yellows. Fusarium spp. are also ... -
Identification of genes induced in the vascular pathogen Verticillium longisporum by xylem sap metabolites of Brasscia napus using an improved genome-wide quantitative cDNA-AFLP
(2009-11-25)Functional transcriptomics is vital in biology. Comparative analysis of the transcriptome in different physiological or developmental stages facilitates the assignment of biological functions ... -
Untersuchungen zur Interaktion des Pathogenitätsfaktors P25 des beet necrotic yellow vein virus mit Proteinen der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris L.)
(2009-05-08)Characterisation of physical interactions between pathogenicity factor P25 of beet necrotic yellow vein virus and the sugar beet proteome (Beta vulgaris L.) In this study protein-protein ... -
Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Replikations- und Rekombinationsfunktionen der RNA-abhängigen RNA-Polymerase (RdRp) des Potato virus X (PVX)
(2009-04-22)In the first part of this study, the replicase protein of Potato virus X (PVX), type species of the genus Potexvirus, was selected to identify regions essential for replication and subgenomic ... -
Occurrence, spread and pathogenicity of different Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) isolates
(2007-12-19)Rhizomania (beet necrotic yellow vein virus, BNYVV) represents an important sugar beet disease, which is transmitted by the biotrophic plasmodiophoromycete Polymyxa betae. As long as the disease is not controlled it can ... -
Epidemiologie von Cercospora beticola Sacc. und Befalls-Verlust-Relationen bei Zuckerrüben (Beta vulgaris L.) in Abhängigkeit von der Anfälligkeit von Sorten und Konsequenzen für sortenspezifische Bekämpfungsschwellensysteme
(2007-10-09)The most important pathogen of leaf spots in sugar beet is Cercospora beticola (Sacc.). The fungus reduces the assimilation rate due to a decreasing photosynthetically active leaf area. As ... -
Molecular characterization of Tobacco rattle virus proteins involved in pathogenicity
(2007-09-04)Tobacco rattle virus (TRV), which belongs to the genus Tobravirus , possesses a bipartite positive-single-stranded genome (RNA-1 and -2), and is naturally transmitted by the plant ectoparasites ... -
Nutzung phytobakterieller Gene zur Beeinflussung der pflanzlichen Apikaldominanz - Untersuchungen in transienten und induzierbaren transgenen Expressionssystemen
(2007-06-04)In this study, different transgenic expression systems were investigated for their influence on auxin/cytokinin balance in plants in order to break apical dominance and promote lateral shoot ...