Soziologie & Sozialwissenschaften: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 101
Verwaltete Vermarktlichung
(2019-07-24)Due to far-reaching consequences of the US subprime crisis and rising housing prices in many countries, social sciences have rediscovered housing policy as a research topic. Numerous studies show trends in marketisation ... -
Das Dilemma der BrückenbauerInnen: LokalpolitikerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund
(2019-05-27)The political representation of people with a migration background is increasingly becoming the focus of public and academic attention. Even though people with a migration background are still underrepresented in German ... -
(2019-03-21)The armed conflict in Syria which began in 2011, caused one of the largest refugee movements in the context of collective violence and war since World War II. Those who fled during the complex, increasingly violent and ... -
Family Members, Not Workers
(2019-03-14)This study aims to understand how family caregivers experience their roles as family care helpers (FCHs). These FCHs are qualified as such within the long-term care insurance (LTCI) programme that South Korea implemented ... -
Question Format, Response Effort, and Response Quality
(2018-08-31)In empirical social research, using questions with an agreement/disagreement scale, also known as agree/disagree (A/D) questions, is a very popular technique for measuring attitudes. Major national and international surveys, ... -
Handlungsoptionen von MigrantInnen in Interaktion mit dem formellen und informellen Staat in Russland
(2018-08-09)More and more people are moving to Russia with different intentions and goals. According to the United Nations, Russia ranks third in the number of international migrants worldwide after the United States and Germany. Once ... -
Die Arbeitsplätze deutscher Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen - Arbeitgeberwahrnehmung und Motivationsqualität im Kontext der arbeitssozialen Situation Zeitarbeitender
(2018-05-28)This dissertation addresses one of the least investigated topics in terms of sociological research thus far. The thematic of Temporary Employment and Subcontracted Work has been discussed controversially in the media for ... -
Ursachen früher gesundheitlicher Ungleichheiten und ihre schulischen Folgen
(2018-03-23)Origin-related educational inequalities are now well documented, but are still poorly understood in terms of the underlying mechanisms. To explain the social and ethnic inequalities in educational success, empirical ... -
Ungewissheit als zentrale Erfahrung
(2017-08-18)Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comprises Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and indeterminate colitis. There are approximately 300.000 people in Germany, who got diagnosed with this chronic relapsing–remitting inflammatory ... -
Europäische Öffentlichkeit durch "policy-frames"
(2017-06-16)Europe needs its public sphere not only for further integration, but also to avoid disintegration in the European Union. This matter is essential particularly in times of economic and refugee crisis, because in such times ... -
Soziale Chancengerechtigkeit durch Gesamtschulen. Können Gesamtschulen dazu beitragen sekundäre Herkunftseffekte am Übergang nach der Sekundarstufe I zu reduzieren?
(2017-03-16)The German education system is currently changing from a multi-track to a two-track school system, where after primary school – at the age of 10 – students are sorted onto two different types of schools according to their ... -
Feindbild Jude, Feindbild Großstadt. Antisemitismus und Großstadtfeindschaft im völkischen Denken
(2017-03-02)The study analysis the connection of antisemitism and antiurbanism in voelkish thought between 1902 and 1940. The discourse about urban life and Jews in the voelkish movement is based on three topoi: The personification ... -
Assimilation Over the Life Course?
(2016-05-24)In recent years, migration and migrant assimilation have returned to the center of public debate in Germany, and as the number of immigrants has risen steadily, the insights of migration scholars into migrant assimilation ... -
Heuristische Entscheidungen in Gruppen bei der Personalauswahl
(2016-03-23)Heuristics are usually discussed as an individual phenomenon, but this raises the question of whether heuristics may also be applied at a collective level. The paper examines this heuristic decision making at a group ... -
Die Wirkung von Incentives auf die Antwortqualität in Umfragen
(2015-11-30)In Social Sciences standardized surveys are an approved and frequently used elicitation method to get insight into attitudes of population groups. In the last decades however there has been a notable decline in the ... -
Why to Change Job(s)?
(2015-11-23)India has been undergoing a socio-economic transformation over the last two decades. One of the most impressive and visible changes has been the growing presence of girls and women in schools, colleges, universities, ... -
Eine explorative Studie des chinesischen Bio-Konsums
(2015-10-27)This paper presents the results of a doctoral study within the program “Biodiversity and Society” of the Graduate School of Social Sciences at the Georg-August University, Göttingen. Food safety and organic consumption are ... -
Die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekte des Lebens mit Behinderungen in Ungarn.
(2015-07-07)Summary Hungary is a post-communist country where for long decades poverty or unemployment caused by disability, among other undesired social problems, was not made a subject of discussion or was ignored and considered ... -
Soziale Erwünschtheit im Licht des Rational-Choice Ansatzes
(2015-02-19)Social desirability (SD) is often mentioned as cause of unexpected results. It describes the tendency of respondents to present semself in front of interviewers, third party or a fictitious public in a "good light", ... -
Perspektiven des Hochschulsports als Marke der Universität
(2014-08-06)Academic Sport Services are an essential part of university culture, student life and academic education at many institutions of higher education, while at some places such as the University of Göttingen they have been ...