Browsing Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Kreft, Holger Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Restoration of coniferous monocultures towards mixed broad-leaved forests in Central Europe – Patterns and processes of stand and vegetation diversification
(2024-11-05)Globally, forests provide essential ecosystem services to society, but their functionality is increasingly impaired by abiotic and biotic disturbances that are expected to further increase with predicted climate change. ... -
Phylogenetic history and global diversity patterns of plants
(2024-01-26)Understanding where and how biodiversity originates and how it is maintained is one of the central questions in biogeography and macroecology. Phylogenies capture the evolutionary history of how lineages have diversified ... -
New insights into drivers and passengers of tree architecture
(2023-06-27)Individual tree architecture and species composition perform a critical role in many ecological processes and resources a forest offers, such as wood value, biodiversity, and ecosystem stability. The structure and dynamics ... -
Overcoming Limitations in Biodiversity Data
(2022-12-02)Large-scale biodiversity data drive the research of the variation and interdependence among living organisms that sustain life. Taxonomic and point-occurrence validity of species, sample completeness, and consistency are ... -
Modelling, management and restoration of savannas in southern Africa
(2022-05-10)Context - Bush encroachment has been observed in southern African savannas for several decades. This form of land degradation reduces the abundance of (palatable) grass biomass on farms, which in turn can support less ... -
Quantifying three-dimensional stand structure of European beech forests along a management gradient
(2022-04-26)Forest structure is of functional importance for ecosystem stability and resilience, as well as for numerous other ecosystem functions and services. In this context, a high structural complexity can have a positive effect ... -
Diversity and composition of tree communities in the mosaic landscape of north-eastern Madagascar
(2022-01-14)In Madagascar, a large percentage of the rural human population faces multifaceted poverty and depends on agriculture and natural resources as main livelihood sources. Consequently, the country’s biodiverse natural ecosystems ... -
Factors Influencing Fruiting Body Initation of Agaricomycetes
(2021-04-23)Macroscopic multicellular fruiting bodies of Agaricomycetes, commonly referred to as mushrooms, are the most complex developmental structures which exist in the kingdom of fungi. Fruiting bodies serve in production and ... -
Smallholder vanilla agroforestry in Madagascar: biodiversity, ecosystem services and yields in a land-use context
(2021-03-18)Land-use change threatens biodiversity and ecosystem services worldwide. Tropical areas are currently particularly affected: natural ecosystems are being transformed into large-scale monocultures or small-scale mosaic ... -
Modelling plant trait variability in changing arid environments
(2020-11-03)Communities in arid environments are especially vulnerable to global change because they experience highly unpredictable environmental conditions. The fate of communities in an uncertain future may be elucidated by ... -
Quantifying stand structure and structural complexity along a management gradient in temperate forests
(2020-10-01)The structure and structural complexity of forests influence many important characteristics of forest ecosystems, as well as their functions and services, such as ecosystem stability, maintenance of biodiversity and carbon ... -
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Short Rotation Coppice with Regard to the Amount and Quality of Groundwater Recharge
(2020-09-02)While there is broad agreement on the positive environmental impacts of short rotation plantations (SRC), possible negative impacts on groundwater recharge due to potentially high water consumption of trees on arabale land ... -
Analysing and modelling spatial patterns to infer the influence of environmental heterogeneity using point pattern analysis, individual-based simulation modelling and landscape metrics
(2020-05-11)One of the main goals of ecology is to understand processes underlying patterns. Because presumably all ecological processes are spatially explicit, especially spatial patterns can contain a lot of information about the ... -
Landscape-level assessment of ecological and socioeconomic functions of rainforest transformation systems in Sumatra (Indonesia)
(2020-03-20)Tropical landscapes have experienced drastic land-use change in recent decades. The transformation from natural vegetation to agricultural production systems has a variety of negative impacts on ecosystem functioning, ... -
Etablierung von Nothofagus obliqua, Nothofagus glauca und Quillaja saponaria in der mediterranen Zone Chiles
(2019-10-30)Within the framework of the overall research project "Tree diversity in Mediterranean forests in Chile: are close-to-nature forestry and profitability mutually exclusive?" a field experiment with three Chilean tree species ... -
Tree Water Use Strategies in a Neotropical Dry Forest
(2019-10-11)Trees in tropical dry forests (TDFs) developed different drought coping strategies including e.g. succulence of different plant organs, wood anatomical traits and leaf phenology. Apart from the fact that water availability ... -
Profiling plants to predict range dynamics under climate warming
(2019-09-11)Global climate warming affects species, ecosystems and entire biomes around the world. Shifts of range borders and distribution patterns along with changing climatic conditions were observed for many plant species. ... -
Drone-based assessments of crowns, canopy cover and land use types in and around an oil palm agroforestry experiment
(2019-04-11)Oil palm cultivation has vastly expanded in the last decades and led to high economic returns, but has also induced environmental problems including reduced biological diversity and impaired ecosystem services. One potential ... -
Psilocybe cyanescens in Germany
(2018-01-17)Psilocybe cyanescens is an invasive but understudied synanthrope in Germany. The ecological and social problems connected to this potently psychoactive member of the Strophariaceae required a comprehensive study describing ... -
Threatened tree species across conservation zones in a nature reserve of North-Western Vietnam
(2017-03-21)The high diversity of tree species in tropical forests is driven by a large proportion of rare species. Rare species are vulnerable and threatened to extirpation and extinction when their habitats are destroyed. This study ...