Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Thiel, Volker Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 33
Development of experimental and numerical models to predict the behavior of Kinetic Interface Sensitive (KIS) tracers for multiphase flow in porous media systems - A novel reactive tracer to measure fluid-fluid interfacial area in both static and dynamic conditions
(2024-04-12)An important aspect of understanding the behavior of a two-phase flow system is detecting and measuring the Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Area (FIFA). For example, in underground Gas/Oil/CO2 storage where two phases can co-exist, ... -
Early Earth mantle heterogeneities
(2023-07-04)Determining isotopic signatures established in the Hadean mantle offers far-reaching insights into the origin of Earth’s accreted building blocks, core formation, mantle differentiation as well as the formation of Earth’s ... -
Use of selected anthropogenic pesticides, nutrients, and biomarkers to spatially and temporally characterize eutrophication dynamics at a shallow lake (Lake Seeburg)
(2022-11-09)Eutrophication of water bodies caused by high nutrient inputs, especially of phosphorus, is a global concern for a wide variety of ecosystems. To assess this problem, different monitoring approaches have been applied to a ... -
Ejecta erosion, hydrological, and chemical lake evolution in the Ries impact basin (Miocene, Germany)
(2022-04-08)To inspect past environmental changes and potential habitability, the growing interests for the ancient Martian crater lakes call for better understandings of palaeolimnological evolution of impact crater lakes. Particularly, ... -
Triple oxygen isotope ratios of bioapatite
(2022-04-07)Bioapatite is the major crystalline component of bone and tooth materials. Recent studies demonstrated that bioapatite carries information of animals’ physiology and living environmental conditions and retains its original ... -
A geobiological approach to carbonate factories and ecosystem changes across the Permian–Triassic boundary
(2022-04-05)Contemporary climate change is accelerating. Meanwhile, “Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived?” is inquired. The Permian–Triassic crisis, as a possible analog in the Earth history, has aroused great ... -
Hydrochemical and environmental isotope study of the geothermal water in Mae Chan (North) and Ranong (South) geothermal areas in Thailand
(2021-05-28)The exploration and development of geothermal resources in Thailand have been investigated for electricity generation since 1946. In total, 112 hot springs are manifested which mostly scattered at the granite body from the ... -
Measuring and tracking suspended sediment on tidal flats and inundated marshland: Relevance for vertical accretion rates and coastal protection measures on the North Frisian Halligen
(2021-04-13)Inhabited coastal areas around the world have to deal with sea level rise (SLR) and its likely consequences such as increasing natural hazards like heavy storms, flooding events and coastal lowland loss by drowning over ... -
Charakterisierung minimaler und maximaler Hemmkonzentrationen verschiedener Spurenelemente in Biogasprozessen und Entwicklung eines vereinfachten Bestimmungsverfahrens
(2020-08-24)For optimal biogas formation processes in biogas plants numerous operating parameters must be within certain limits. A sufficient supply of essential macro- and micronutrients must be guaranteed for the conversion and ... -
Numerical modelling of single- and multi-phase flow and transport processes in porous media for assessing hydraulic fracturing impacts on groundwater resources
(2020-05-28)The environmental footprint of hydraulic fracturing has gained substantial attention in the water – energy nexus as the technology is relatively new and its long-term impacts are not thoroughly understood. Of primary ... -
Biosignatures of modern microbial mats, Kiritimati/Kiribati, Central Pacific
(2019-10-17)Organic biomarkers have been widely used to trace the information of their biological precursors and to reveal information about fossil depositional environment, and thus they help to reconstruct ancient ecosystems. Prior ... -
Assessing the formation and preservation of organic signatures in extreme environments in the context of the ExoMars 2020 rover mission
(2019-09-20)The search for extraterrestrial life is one of the greatest scientific quests of our time. The ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars 2020 rover mission seeks to find evidence for past or modern life on Mars by investigating (sub-)surface ... -
Formation and preservation of abiotic organic signatures vs. lipid biomarkers—experimental studies in preparation for the ExoMars 2020 mission
(2018-06-22)Molecular organic biomarkers have widely been used to track life through Earth’s history, and they became increasingly important in the search of potential (remnants of) life on Mars. The Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer ... -
Tracer compounds in geothermal reservoirs: Improving the outcome quality of a tracer test
(2018-04-20)In a tracer test, applied tracers are introduced and transported with a working fluid so that the tracer response signals can be used to determine the target parameters of the aquatic system, such as temperatures, flow ... -
Isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen an postglazialen Karbonaten des Neoproterozoikums aus China und Namibia
(2017-12-22)The Neoproterozoic time, especially the Cryogenian is characterised by extreme climate conditions. Two of the known global glaciations – the Sturt and Marinoan – occurred during this period. In the following Ediacaran ... -
Geothermometry by Raman spectroscopy of dispersed organic matter
(2016-10-17)Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material (RSCM) is frequently used to determine peak metamorphic temperature or to infer the coal rank as well as the degree of organic maturation. Several temperature calibrations ... -
Assessments of phenotypic variations and variability as a tool for understanding evolutionary processes in echinoids
(2016-07-20)The following three chapters can be regarded as thematic complexes of studies on phenotypic variations and variability in order to elucidate their origins on a systematic hierarchy-level in echinoids. Chapter 2 seeks ... -
Geodynamic significance of the Cenozoic deposits in the southern Peruvian forearc (16°25’S to 17°15’S): constraints by facies analysis and sediment provenance.
(2015-11-30)Cenozoic sediments in southern Peru are responses of a complex interaction of active geodynamics and sedimentation, which is conspicuous of the Central Andes tectonics. By combining multimethodic analysis on single grain ... -
Highly resolved thermal analysis as a tool for simultaneous quantification of total carbon, organic carbon, inorganic carbon and soil organic carbon fractions in landscapes
(2015-02-25)To quantify and evermore qualify carbon in soils have become highly timely task in landscape ecology. However, separating soil organic carbon (SOC) into different ecologically relevant fractions is difficult. Particularly ... -
“Keratose” sponge fossils and microbialites: a geobiological contribution to the understanding of metazoan origin
(2015-02-18)Molecular clock and the fossil record at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary indicate that animals probably had a long evolutionary history in the Precambrian which is still poorly explored and understood. This PhD study was ...