Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Nauck, Friedemann Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Ressourcen und Grenzen Angehöriger von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener COPD besser verstehen: eine qualitative Studie
(2024-11-05)Research question: COPD is a chronic disease that is very stressful both mentally and physically in its advanced stages and is now the third most common cause of death worldwide. People with COPD are reluctant to seek ... -
Hospiz- und Palliativversorgung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
(2024-08-22)Background: Studies indicate that people with migration background (MB) seem to be underrepresented in hospice and palliative care (HPC). Evidence about their representation, challenges in care and strategies used to counter ... -
Außermedizinische Wünsche am Lebensende von schwer erkrankten Menschen
(2024-01-08)The topic of wishes at the end of life is widely discussed in the media, but mostly limited to aspects of medical treatment at the end of life (e. g. living wills, organ donor cards). For palliative care, the holistic view ... -
Ehrenamtliche Begleitung von Menschen mit einer nicht-onkologischen Erkrankung am Lebensende
(2023-09-13)Background: Hospice volunteers are important actors in hospice and palliative care. Due to the progressive integration of non-oncological patients, they will be supported more and more by volunteers in the future. The aim ... -
Bedürfnisse und Probleme von PatientInnen mit fortgeschrittener COPD im Verlauf eines Jahres - Eine qualitative Längsschnittstudie
(2023-01-12)Introduction: COPD is currently the third most common cause of death globally. Due to an increase in smoking, air pollution, and an ageing population, its prevalence is expected to rise steadily overtime. The unpredictable ... -
Einstellung und Wissen von Studierenden der Medizin und der Rechtswissenschaften zum Thema ärztlich assistierter Suizid
(2022-09-07)Background: At the end of 2015, business assisted suicide was banned in Germany (§217 StGB). This led to uncertainty among health care providers. The aim of this study was to investigate attitudes towards and experiences ... -
Perspektiven und Bedürfnisse von Patientinnen und Patienten mit fortgeschrittener chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD) am Lebensende
(2021-11-16)The aim of the study was to determine the individual perspectives and needs of patients with advanced COPD, a progressive disease without any chance of recovery, at the end of their life. In order to achieve this, a ... -
Kriterien für die frühe Integration von Palliativmedizin in der Pädiatrie
(2021-06-10)Early integration of palliative care in paediatrics The aim of the present study was to determine criteria for the (early) integration of palliative care in paediatrics from the perspective of paediatricians in both private ... -
Angehörige von Tumorpatienten in der spezialisierten stationären Palliativversorgung - Lebenssinn und bedeutsame Lebensbereiche
(2020-07-23)Tumor diseases are the second most common cause of death headed by cardiovascular diseases. Approximately one in four deaths is caused by cancer. Palliative care pursues the unit of care concept treating family caregivers ... -
Psychische Belastungen und Lebensqualität von Angehörigen von Patienten mit Krebserkrankungen in der spezialisierten stationären Palliativversorgung
(2020-02-07)A terminal cancer disease is associated with high burden and psychological distress not even for patients but for their families and friends as well. This doctor's thesis examined psychological burden and quality of life ... -
Qualitative Evaluation ethischer Fallbesprechungen
(2018-03-20)Background and aims: In order to ensure quality of ethics consultation provided by a clinical ethics committee (CEC), the evaluation of its work is a common process. Yet, evaluations using qualitative interpretative methods ... -
Die Implementierung eines Kinderpalliativzimmers auf einer Normalstation - Eine qualitative Studie
(2017-06-23)In the context of an enhancement of the (medical) care structure for children receiving palliative care the Medical Care Unit at University of Göttingen has installed a special Children’s Palliative Care Room (CPCR). The ... -
Prävalenz und klinische Relevanz enoraler Mykosen und Dermatokyosen bei Bewohnern in pflegerischen Versorgungseinrichtungen
(2016-08-29)Other studies showed that the risk for a fungal infection is higher for elderly people. Furthermore we know based on different studies that there is a correlation between enoral symptoms like a dry mouth and fungal ... -
Palliativmedizinischer Notfall - Patientenverfügungen im Rettungsdienst und Evaluation einer Schulungsmaßnahme von Rettungsdienstmitarbeitern der Berufsfeuerwehr Essen
(2016-08-24)Palliative emergencies are common in emergency services. The present work deals with palliative emergencies and advance health care directives (ACD) in emergency service. Within this work paramedics of the Essen fire and ... -
Retrospektive Beschreibung des Kollektivs der Patienten der spezialisierten ambulanten Palliativversorgung an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen im Jahr 2011 – eine Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahme
(2016-06-17)Within the palliative care as a multiprofessional support concept for advanced terminally ill patients, SAPV has been a relatively new supply form regulated by law since 2007. First and foremost it should guarantee a better ... -
Tod und Sterben – eine Reflexion im Anatomiekurs – Begleitstudie zur Einführung eines reflektiven, interdisziplinären Kursprojektes
(2014-01-10)Introduction: In April 2011 a reflective, interdisciplinary course module in preparation for the dissection course was implemented at the medical faculty in Göttingen. This module comprised an introductive lecture and ... -
Charakteristika von Palliativpatienten mit Atemnot - Ergebnisse der Hospiz- und Palliativerhebungen (HOPE) von 2006 bis 2008
(2012-07-27)Background: Breathlessness is a common and distressing symptom in patients (pts) with advanced diseases. Aim: To describe demographical and clinical characteristics of pts suffering from breathlessness due to advanced ... -
Ausmaß und therapeutische Relevanz nichtinvasiver Diagnostik in der Palliativmedizin
(2011-10-20)How much diagnostics is required in palliative care? Results from a representative survey and own experiences.Background: Applying diagnostic techniques in palliative care (PC) requires a ... -
Tumorspezifische Therapien in der Palliativmedizin
(2010-11-09)Anticancer therapies (ACT) gain increasing attention and discussion in specialized palliative care institutions. Frequency, indication, mode of therapy, attitude of team members, and clinical ... -
Enorale Symptome in der Palliativmedizin
(2010-11-05)This study examined Symptoms of the oral cavity and their association with local microbiological and clinical findings as well as their influence on the subjective well-being of palliative ...