Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Hülsmann, Michael Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 53
Vergleichende materialabhängige Evaluation der marginalen und internen Passgenauigkeit bei der Chairside- und Labside-CAD/CAM-Fertigung von vollkeramischen Einzelkronen mittels zweier Analyseverfahren
(2024-11-22)Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the material-dependent fit of CAD/CAM-fabricated all-ceramic restorations, focusing on the marginal and internal fit of monolithic single-tooth crowns produced using chairside ... -
Prospektive klinische Studie zur Bewährung metallkeramischer Kronen und vollkeramischer Zirkonoxidkronen nach einem Beobachtungszeitraum von 10 Jahren
(2024-11-19)This practice based prospective clinical study investigated the clinical performance of veneered all-ceramic crowns (VKK) with an anatomically shaped framework design and a ceramic veneer with long-term cooldown compared ... -
Klinische Bewährung computergestützt gefertigter Teilkronen aus einer zirkonoxidverstärkten Lithiumsilikat-Keramik nach einer Beobachtungszeit von 5 Jahren
(2024-01-03)Objectives: Prospective practice-based clinical evaluation of chairside-fabricated ceramic partial crowns (CCPCs) made from a glaze-fired zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (ZLS) ceramic (Celtra Duo, Dentsply Sirona, ... -
Prävalenz periimplantärer Erkrankungen bei teilbezahnten Patienten nach einer minimalen Beobachtungszeit von 14 Jahren – eine retrospektive Querschnittsstudie
(2023-10-17)The aim of this retrospective cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence rates of peri-implant diseases associated with different risk factors. In this regard, data were collected from a total of 63 patients (38 ... -
Sauberkeit von Milchzahnwurzelkanälen nach Präparation mit unterschiedlichen Nickel-Titan-Systemen - Eine REM-Studie
(2023-02-23)Introduction: In the present in-vitro study the cleaning efficacy of two rotary Ni-Ti preparation systems was examined on the root canal walls of primary molars. The aim was to compare the different rotary systems with the ... -
Prävalenz von Allgemeinerkrankungen bei diagnostizierten Craniomandibulären Dysfunktionen – eine Fall-Kontroll-Studie
(2023-02-13)Symptoms of pain-associated temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are relevant in clinical practice as they affect 2,7 – 10 % of the population. Based on the biophychosocial model, the etiology is accepted as multifactorial ... -
Vergleich endodontischer Desinfektions-Konzepte in Lehr- und Textbüchern
(2022-12-12)The aim of this thesis was to show the development of endodontic disinfection concepts in textbooks over the past decades and to compare information relevant for irrigation. It seems of particular importance to offer the ... -
Häufigkeit und Qualität der endodontischen Versorgung und Prävalenz periapikaler Parodontitiden
(2022-12-12)The aim of the present thesis was to determine the frequency and quality of endodontic care and the need for endodontic treatment by evaluation of radiographs of a selected group of patients. Another aim was to compare the ... -
Die systemimmanente Abhängigkeit der marginalen und internen Passgenauigkeit von Material, Scantechnik und Evaluationsmethodik bei der chairside-CAD/CAM-Fertigung von Einzelkronen aus innovativen vollkeramischen Werkstoffen
(2022-12-07)This in vitro study examined the dependence of the marginal and internal accuracy of fit of all-ceramic, CAD/CAM-manufactured crowns on the material used, the intraoral scanner and the evaluation method. 14 standardized ... -
Klinische Nachuntersuchung von implantatgestützten Einzelkronen mit CAD/CAM gefertigten Abutments – 5-Jahres-Ergebnisse
(2022-07-19)Objectives: The aim of the present prospective and practice-based study was to investigate the influence of individually fabricated CAD/CAM abutments on the technical complications of provisionally cemented all-ceramic and ... -
Klinische Bewährung von vollkeramischen Teilkronen aus einer zirkonoxidverstärkten Lithiumsilikat-Keramik: 5-Jahres-Ergebnisse
(2022-05-24)Objectives: A university-based randomized clinical study evaluated the 5-year performance of chairside-fabricated zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (ZLS)-ceramic partial crowns. Material and methods: Forty-five ... -
Entfernung der medikamentösen Einlage aus Wurzelkanälen mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher Techniken
(2021-11-25)Objective: To test and compare the effectiveness of 3 cleaning methods for Ledermix-filled root canals: a sound-assisted irrigation technique, an ultrasound-assisted irrigation method and a novel nickel-titanium instrument. ... -
Präparation gekrümmter Wurzelkanäle mit drei Nickel-Titan-Systemen - eine Mikro-CT-Studie
(2021-03-08)The aim of this study was to assess the root canal preparation with three single-file systems made of nickel-titanum alloys with reciprocating motion (S1 Plus (Sendoline, Täby, Sweden), WaveOne Gold (Dentsply Sirona, ... -
Entfernung endodontischer Thermafil-Obturatoren mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher Techniken: Eine Micro-Computertomographie-Studie
(2020-11-02)Aim: The aim of this study was to compare two techniques for removal of Thermafil obturators from curved root canals in mandibular molars. Methodology: Sixty mesial root canals in extracted mandibular molars were ... -
Retrospektive klinische Studie zur klinischen Bewährung extendierter Keramikveneers nach einer minimalen Beobachtungszeit von 10 Jahren
(2020-08-18)The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate extended anterior ceramic laminate veneers after a mean observational period of ten years. The data of 27 patients (17 females/10 males) were collected. These patients ... -
Nachweis potenziell parodontopathogener Bakterien bei gesunden und erkrankten Implantaten in der unterstützenden Implantattherapie
(2020-04-07)The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the relationship between potentially periodontopathogenic bacteria and peri-implant diseases, such as mucositis and peri-implantitis. In addition, risk factors and ... -
In-vitro-Untersuchungen zum Polierverhalten neu entwickelter hochfester Keramikwerkstoffe für die Anfertigung monolithischer Restaurationen
(2019-12-19)Aim of the study: In the context of the present study, the polishing behavior of newly developed high-strength ceramic materials, which are suitable for the manufacture of monolithic restorations, was examined in vitro. ... -
Genetic modification in CPVT patient specific induced pluripotent stem cells with CRISPR/Cas9
(2019-12-02)CPVT is a genetic cardiac disorder leading to sudden cardiac death in young patients without structural abnormalities of the heart. Abnormal Ca2+ handling in CMs causes severe arrhythmia during physical or emotional stress ... -
Prävalenz periimplantärer Entzündungen bei teilbezahnten Patienten nach einer minimalen Beobachtungsdauer von 10 Jahren - eine retrospektive Querschnittsstudie
(2019-10-24)The aim of the retrospective cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence rates of periimplant mucositis and periimplantitis in regard to different risk factors and the survival rate of the implant in different ... -
In-vitro-Studie zur Milchzahnwurzelkanalpräparation mit unterschiedlichen Nickel-Titan-Systemen
(2018-11-05)The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the shaping ability of the vibrating Self-Adjusting File and the rotary Nickel-Titanium file Mtwo in primary molars using microcomputed-tomography. Additionally the ...