Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Liebetanz, David Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-17 of 17
Cannabinoid-induzierte Verhaltensveränderungen unter chronischem psychosozialem Stress im Mausmodell als Analoga cannabinoid-typischer Psychopathologie
(2024-07-31)In the present dissertation, based on the current state of research, the relationship between chronic psychosocial stress and stimulation or blockade of the CB1 receptor is investigated using two animal experimental studies. ... -
Einfluss parakriner Faktoren auf die neuronale Differenzierung und Regeneration
(2024-07-24)The ability of an injured peripheral nerve to reinnervate its original targets is a characteristic feature of the peripheral nervous system. Axonal regeneration after injury depends on well-coordinated cellular and molecular ... -
Datenbankanalyse zur Myasthenia gravis - Korrelation der Lebensqualität zum klinischen Verlauf
(2023-12-04)As a chronic disease, myasthenia gravis typically results in abnormal muscular fatigue. It accompanies patients for years or even decades and can severely restrict their quality of life and activities of daily living. At ... -
WIN-55,212-2-Therapie in einem Modell für die sporadische Alzheimer Erkrankung
(2022-11-29)With its far-reaching influence on neuroprotection and inflammation, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a promising approach for the therapy of Alzheimer's disease (AD). WIN-55,212-2 (WIN) is a synthetic cannabinoid and ... -
Auswirkungen von (-)-Δ9-trans-Tetrahydrocannabinol auf Zellzahl und adulte Neurogenese im Hippocampus
(2021-03-04)On hand thesis titled „Effects of (-)-Δ9-trans-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Hippocampal Cell Number and Adult Neurogenesis“ treats eventual alterations in neuron number, generation rate of neurons and also neuroinflammatory ... -
Auswirkungen auf das adulte Gehirn bei prolongierter Substitution von Cannabidiol
(2021-03-01)The Cannabis plant contains more than 100 active ingredients, which in part are psychoactive. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid of the plant Cannabis sativa L., which is not psychoactive and is increasingly used in ... -
Einfluss selektiver Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer auf den kognitiven Abbau und die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Progression zur Alzheimer-Demenz bei älteren Patienten mit Vorgeschichte einer Depression
(2019-02-18)Depression is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Research has shown that the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram decreases amyloid-β generation and plaque load. This study evaluated ... -
Geruchswahrnehmung und -interpretation schizophrener PatientInnen: Evaluation im Rahmen einer multizentrischen Querschnittserhebung
(2018-07-24)Background: Although there has been interest in different aspects of olfactory dysfunction in schizophrenia, there has not been research in large samples of schizophrenia patients. Methods: As part of the comprehensive ... -
Translating Advanced Myocontrol for Upper Limb Prostheses from the Laboratory to Clinics
(2017-09-06)Versatility and dexterity in combination with supreme control makes human hands an unmatched tool for interacting with the world around us. Because of our dependence on hands, we are highly challenged in all aspects of our ... -
Entwicklung eines Laufrad-basierten Maus-Modells zur Untersuchung der Effekte von Botulinum-Neurotoxinen
(2017-03-23)Botulinum neurotoxins are increasingly used therapeutically and approved for more and more indications in therapy. The research interest in this area is correspondingly high. In order to optimize the efficacy of the toxin ... -
Kortikale Repräsentation der humanen aurikulären Muskulatur: Eine Untersuchung mittels robotergestützter und neuronavigationsbasierter transkranieller Magnetstimulation
(2016-12-12)Little is known about the neuroanatomy of the auricular muscles in humans. To locate the cortical representation of the posterior auricular muscle (PAM) in humans, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) mapping was performed ... -
Bedeutung einer Beeinträchtigung der D2- und D3-vermittelten dopaminergen Transmission für die motorische Aktivität und das motorische Lernverhalten im Mausmodell
(2015-06-29)We investigated the locomotor activity and motor learning in running wheel experiments in mice under influence of the dopaminergic system. We evaluated an impairment of the D2 function by using knockout mice and after ... -
Auswirkung einer selektiven p75-Neurotrophinrezeptor-Defizienz im Immun- oder Zentralnervensystem auf die experimentelle autoimmune Enzephalomyelitis
(2015-01-29)The clinical manifestation of multiple sclerosis (MS) is largely due to axonal damage and axonal loss caused by inflammation and demyelination. As an explanation for the different extents of axonal damage and thus the ... -
The effect of dopamine and its agonist pramipexole on oligodendrocytes in culture and in the cuprizone mouse model
(2014-02-10)Oligodendrocytes are of crucial importance for the integrity and function of the central nervous system (CNS) as well as for efficacy of signal conduction and thus for brain function itself. They are responsible for axonal ... -
Langzeitbeobachtungen zur Injektionsdynamik der Botulinum-Toxin-Therapie bei Patienten mit verschiedenen fazialen Dyskinesien
(2013-10-30)Abstract Background: Rare information exists about the long term development of patients with blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and synkinesis following defective healing of the facial nerve. This retrospective analysis ... -
De - und Remyelinisierung in Dopaminrezeptor-defizienten Mäusen
(2012-05-31)De-and remyelination in dopamine receptor-deficient mice Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous-system with destruction of myelin sheaths, axonal damage and only ... -
Einfluss systemischer Infektionen und ihrer Behandlungen auf den Krankheitsverlauf im Maus-Modell des Morbus Parkinson
(2011-06-29)Neurodegenrative diseases such as Parkinson s disease are known to be among the prevalent diseases of this kind. Often they tend to deteriorate during acute infections e.g. excited through ...