Browsing Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Ammer, Christian Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 44
Spatial and temporal fine root distribution growth of European beech, Norway spruce, and Douglas-fir in pure and mixed stands with beech under different site conditions
(2024-08-15)The major challenge of forest management globally is to manage forests in such a way that aspects of wood production and forest conservation are combined in order to have pro-ductive and stable forests that continuously ... -
Auswirkung von Bodenbearbeitungen auf den Nährstoffhaushalt von Waldböden sowie den Erfolg von Eichenkulturen
(2024-04-05)Site preparation in forests has received criticism for potentially reducing site produc-tivity due to soil compaction and nutrient losses. Nontheless, from a practical perspec-tive, site preparation is an essential factor ... -
Vergleich von stillgelegten und bewirtschafteten Wäldern anhand von zwei Fallbeispielen in Brandenburg
(2024-04-02)Forests can provide a wide range of ecosystem services. However, not all ecosystem services can be maximized at the same time, which can lead to conflicting objectives. For example, objectives range from maximizing the ... -
From Points to Forests - The potential of 3D point clouds to evaluate the structural complexity of differently managed beech forests
(2024-03-04)Climate change is leading to global shifts that can create a particular challenge for the stability and vitality of forest ecosystems. In the temperate forests of Central Europe, the natural forest vegetation is dominated ... -
Sensitivity of phyto-geocentric site productivity models to spatial extent and climate data aggregation
(2024-02-20)The impact of climate warming on forestry in Germany and Europe has become more and more visible in recent years and decades. This has lead to an increased demand for predictions on the development of forest stands with ... -
Genetische Charakterisierung der slawonischen Stieleiche (Quercus robur subsp. slavonica (Gáyer) Mátyás) in Deutschland
(2024-01-30)The structure and composition of forests have a strong influence on forest ecosystems and their services and functions. From today's perspective, important properties such as ecosystem stability, biodiversity conservation ... -
Vorschläge zur Optimierung/Verbesserung der genetischen Qualität von Saatgut aus Erntebeständen bei den Eichenarten (Quercus robur L. & Quercus petraea [Matt.] Lieb.)
(2022-10-27)Climate models predict drier and warmer summer months and increasingly frequent drought events. As a more climate-resilient tree species, oak will therefore become much more important than other deciduous trees and even ... -
Influence of mycorrhiza on nutrient physiology of trees in mixed and mono-specific stands along climatic and land use gradients
(2022-05-25)Global change drivers such as climate change, land-use change, anthropogenic N deposition, deteriorating P nutrition and other calamities jeopardize temperate forest ecosystem functions. Essential components for the ... -
Quantifying three-dimensional stand structure of European beech forests along a management gradient
(2022-04-26)Forest structure is of functional importance for ecosystem stability and resilience, as well as for numerous other ecosystem functions and services. In this context, a high structural complexity can have a positive effect ... -
Influence of competition and other factors on crown and stem characteristics of northern red oak
(2022-03-10)Native to northeastern America and southeastern Canada, northern red oak (Q. rubra L.) was introduced to Europe in 1691 and initially planted in parks and gardens. In the following centuries, three silvicultural ... -
Kronenstruktur und -dynamik von Rein- und Mischbeständen aus Buche, Fichte und Douglasie
(2022-01-13)In this study, crown traits were examined in order to analyze their change depending on the neighborhood of individual trees and based on this, to compare the crown structure and use of space in pure and mixed stands. The ... -
Assembly of root-associated fungi in different soil layers and nitrogen uptake by ectomycorrhizae in temperate forests
(2021-07-30)Fungi are a remarkably highly diverse group of organisms on Earth, playing a pivotal role in ecosystem functioning. Belowground, they act as decomposers, pathogens or symbionts. Members of these functional categories are ... -
Influence of intra- and interspecific competition on timber quality of European beech
(2021-01-21)The timber quality of a single tree is considerably influenced by interactions with other individual trees. These competitive effects from neighbouring trees may be regulated through silvicultural treatments. Consequently, ... -
Ökonomische Analyse forstlicher Bestandesbehandlung
(2020-11-18)The economic analysis of forest stand management serves the understanding of an efficient timber production in a world of scarce resources. Following Möhring (2009), the present study aims to build a bridge between economic ... -
Quantifying the impact of forest management intensity and tree species diversity on individual tree shape and three-dimensional stand structure
(2020-11-04)The three-dimensional distribution of trees and their crowns is an essential characteristic of forest ecosystems that is directly related to several ecosystem functions and services. Silvicultural interventions modify the ... -
Quantifying stand structure and structural complexity along a management gradient in temperate forests
(2020-10-01)The structure and structural complexity of forests influence many important characteristics of forest ecosystems, as well as their functions and services, such as ecosystem stability, maintenance of biodiversity and carbon ... -
Implications of forest structure on carbon dioxide fluxes
(2020-05-07)Forests provide numerous crucial ecosystem services to society that are sensitive to climate and to extreme climate events such as droughts. One of the services of interest is the ability to sequester the greenhouse gas ... -
Interconnection of a Forest Growth Model and a Structural Model for Young Poplar Trees (Populus spp.)
(2020-03-20)When planting fast-growing tree species such as poplars and willows on agricultural land in short rotation coppice plantations, site selection and the associated yield potential pose a central decision for the practitioner. ... -
Genetic analyses to determine the genetic variation and region of origin of introduced northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) populations
(2020-03-20)Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) has its natural distribution area in the eastern and north-eastern USA and south-eastern Canada and was first introduced at the end of the 17th century in France. Later, Q. rubra was ... -
Zuwachspotenziale und Klimasensitivität eingeführter Baumarten in Nordrhein-Westfalen
(2020-02-14)The ongoing global change with increasing mean annual temperatures, altered conditions in precipitation and a higher expected frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events leads to unpredictable environmental conditions ...