Browsing Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Möhring, Bernhard Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Vergleich von stillgelegten und bewirtschafteten Wäldern anhand von zwei Fallbeispielen in Brandenburg
(2024-04-02)Forests can provide a wide range of ecosystem services. However, not all ecosystem services can be maximized at the same time, which can lead to conflicting objectives. For example, objectives range from maximizing the ... -
Die betriebswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Grundsteuer für Forstbetriebe nach der Reform und ihre Einordnung im europäischen Vergleich
(2023-07-31)On the occasion of the property tax reform, this study deals with the economic significance of property tax A – status January 2023. The focus is on forestry enterprises in the Lower Saxony State Forests on the one hand ... -
Benchmarking in der Forstwirtschaft
(2023-06-07)Since the beginning of the 1990s, Swiss forest enterprises have on average achieved negative operating results. The main reason for this are the losses in forest management, the core task of forest enterprises. In the long ... -
Econometric Analysis of global wood markets and its implications on in-ternational forest products modelling
(2023-03-03)Global economic systems are changing due to several possible influences, like globalization, climate change, or social transformation. Even though, the wood markets analysis is well established and de-veloped for many kinds ... -
Konzeption eines „smarten“ betrieblichen Flächenmanagementsystems für den kleineren Nicht-Staatswald
(2022-08-11)Forestry land of private ownership is mainly classified as business assets for income tax purposes. Accordingly, forest ownership is sufficient for the assumption of a business activity, regardless of management measures. ... -
Analysis of economic diversification and financial liquidity effects in sustainably managed forest enterprises
(2021-09-16)Sustainably managed forest enterprises are required to apply and adapt strategies to be able to distribute economic risk and secure financial liquidity. In this context, this thesis analyzes the possibilities of economic ... -
Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für den Vertragsnaturschutz im Wald
(2021-06-07)Despite many scientific and political efforts, contractual nature conservation in forests is a lot less common compared to contractual nature conservation in agriculture. Implementation of European funding into national ... -
Analyse der prozessabhängigen Kosten der mechanisierten Buchenaufarbeitung
(2021-04-29)This dissertation focuses on the analysis of the process-dependent costs of mechanized beech processing within a productivity model. Although numerous models exist that describe the mechanized processing time, these models ... -
Ökonomische Analyse forstlicher Bestandesbehandlung
(2020-11-18)The economic analysis of forest stand management serves the understanding of an efficient timber production in a world of scarce resources. Following Möhring (2009), the present study aims to build a bridge between economic ... -
Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalysen in der umweltökonomischen Bewertung von öffentlichen Gütern des Waldes
(2018-12-20)The lack of availability of market prices for public goods in forests creates the need to obtain reliable assessments for them. Market failure, which occurs when goods influence third parties positively or negatively but ... -
Development, evaluation and application of inference-based decision support methods to meet the rising wood demands of the growing bio-economy sector
(2017-10-26)Modern utilization techniques enable the substitution of fossil resources by renewable biological resources like wood from forestry. In this context, the bio-economy contributes to reducing the dependency upon fossil raw ... -
Zahlungen für Naturschutz im Wald - Problem und Lösungsansatz aus Sicht des Agency-Ansatzes
(2017-05-17)In relation to the growing demands on forests, financial environmental policy instruments move more and more in the focus. In Europe, such instruments exist already in the field of nature conservation. In the frame of the ... -
Auswirkungen der Umsetzung von Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft
(2016-05-18)In recent years, social demands on the forest use have increased significantly. The limited production possibilities of forests are facing manifold, sometimes competing societal use claims. The frequently required balance ... -
Integrationsprojekte als Aufgabe urbaner Forstwirtschaft
(2008-02-28)The integration of marginal groups represents an ongoing political discussion in Germany. Even in urban centers, where the population accumulates, the integration problems of different groups of society are evident. Because ... -
Untersuchungen zur Simulation von Behandlungspfaden für Buchen-Fichten-Mischbestände
(2007-01-29)The individual forest stand, which is characterized by different site conditions and treatment history, is the elementary spatial unit in a forested landscape. Therefore, landscape and stand ... -
Forschungssteuerung zwischen Staat und Wissenschaft
(2002-03-15) -
Räumliche Entscheidungsfindung mit Hilfe raumbezogener Informationssysteme.
(2001-07-06)The thesis describes how the decision process in a spatial application domain can be improved by an adequate use of geographical information. The aim is to examine the spatial concepts that ... -
Forstliche Förderungspolitik in der Slowakischen Republik in der Systemtransformation
(2000-11-15)Die Bedeutung der forstlichen Förderpolitik für den Aufbau der Marktwirtschaft wird durch (i) die empirische Erhebung der Förderprogramme und der Finanzströme, (ii) die Beurteilung dieser ...