Browsing Juristische Fakultät by Title
Now showing items 8-27 of 35
DDR-Justiz vor Gericht
(2008-08-27)A stock-taking for the processing of the perversion of justice offenses committed in GDR. -
(Deutsches) Internationales Insolvenzrecht im Umbruch:
(2006-05-30)This thesis is dealing with the hot topics of International Insolvency Law, starting with questionning the competence of local courts to start an insolvency proceeding under local laws and ... -
Das Diskriminierungsverbot im Zivilrecht
(2008-07-08)The present work examines the impotance of discrimination bans in the german civil law. His first part looks into the question of the existence of such bans at international and national ... -
„Fake News“ in der Online-Kommunikation
(2023-08-07)For as long as anyone can remember, fake news has been a central problem for the formation of individual and public opinion. Today, the effect of widespread disinformation is amplified by the technical possibilities of ... -
Integration durch Regulierungsrecht
(2022-11-29)Integration through law is evolving. The realization of an ever closer union between the peoples of Europe is not taking place solely on the basis of the "negative" elimination of legal obstacles to integration in the ... -
Das Klageerzwingungsverfahren
(2008-05-28)The dissertation represents the significance of the klageerzwingungsverfahren and contains an analysis of the practical meaning today. -
Mandat und Treuhand im Völkerrecht
(2004-02-26)This thesis deals with the concepts of mandate and trusteeship in international law. In the first historical part of the thesis the legal and historic roots of both concepts are reviewed. ... -
Das niederländische Zwangsvollstreckungsrecht
(2010-09-20)The dissertation examines enforcement under Dutch law. The first part of the dissertation gives an overview over this specific law with its conditions and procedure. The second part is ... -
Die ökonomische Kompensation im Scheidungsfolgenrecht von Chile und die ehelichen Lebensverhältnisse beim nachehelichen Unterhalt im deutschen Recht
(2007-05-10)This article provides a comparison of the institution of Chilean marriage laws, called economic compensation (article 61 et seq. of the Civil Marriage Law)--a usually unique payment that ... -
Peacebuilding der Vereinten Nationen. Der Wandel in der Friedenssicherungspraxis der internationalen Gemeinschaft und die Veränderung staatlicher Souveränität
(2014-01-21)When general secretary Boutros-Ghali presented the Agenda for Peace in 1992, he introduced the concept of post-conflict peace-building, thereby extending the United Nation’s existing instruments for maintaining international ... -
Privatsphärenschutz vs. Pressefreiheit: Eine rechtvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen und russischen Recht im Lichte der EMRK
(2013-09-16)The paper is dealing with the leading principles relevant for the balancing between the right to respect for private life (in particular the right to protect one's personal image) and the freedom of expression. The paper ... -
Probleme in Online-Auktionen
(2006-11-13)Online Auction is a new type of e-commerce. It combines the conventional auction model with modern information technology and more and more economic interactions are involved. This paper ... -
Die Rechtsnachfolge im Polizeirecht
(2009-03-18)This work examines examples of the decontamination duty of legal succession in police law. It deals with the decontamination responsibilities of the legal successors for the hazardous soil ... -
Rechtstransfer durch Praktikerliteratur am Beispiel des polnischen Juristen Bartholomäus Groicki (um 1534 ― 1605)
(2024-03-21)The dissertation presents the life and work of a Polish jurist fron Cracow, Bartholomus Groicki. Groicki was a learned jurist, who dedicated his professional life to the jurisdiction of Cracow, and an author of several ... -
Der richterliche Rechtsschutz im Rahmen der Rechtmäßigkeitskontrolle bei Grundrechtseingriffen
(2017-10-26)The criminal dogmatic treatment of and case law doctrine on reasonable grounds in Colombia do not adequately clarify aspects as essential as purpose, need for concretion, precision and determination of reasonable grounds. ... -
Das Schengener Informationssystem
(2013-11-01)This doctoral dissertation deals mainly with the first generation of the Schengen information system, SIS. It decribes the way to an European electronic search system, its functionality and its regulatory framework. Items ... -
Schenkungen aus dem Vermögen Betreuter unter rechtsvergleichender Betrachtung der Erwachsenenschutzrechte und deren Entwicklung in Österreich und der Schweiz
(2008-06-13)Donations from the assets of an assisted appear at first glance always exclusively with disadvantages for those affected tainted, but his property without appropriate compensation reduced. ... -
Social platforms: New places and times of (non)fulfillment of working obligations. A comparative study of the Italian and German legal systems
(2022-04-28)The communication opportunities offered by social networks tend to support the inclination to let everyone know everything, not infrequently with effects on the work activity. This opens up new scenarios that are no ... -
Sozialtherapie im offenen Jugendvollzug
(2004-03-18)The present investigation provides an evaluation of the treatement in the section "Social Therapy" in the open juvenile penal institution Göttingen-Leineberg. From August 1996 to October ...