Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Antal, Andrea Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Beeinflussung der deklarativen Gedächtnisleistung mittels bilateraler transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) über dem parietalen sowie temporalen Kortex
(2016-08-15)Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is proved so far to be a successful method for investigating complex cognitive functions. There is evidence from imaging studies that parietal and temporal cortices act together ... -
Die Beeinflussung des instrumentellen Lernens durch Placebo- und Noceboeffekte
(2017-08-09)Placebo / nocebo effects and the underlying mechanisms are currently the subject of intensive research. However, up to the present time, not all backgrounds could be fully illuminated. Numerous studies have been concerned ... -
Einfluss verschiedener transkranieller Stimulationsverfahren auf die kortikale Exzitabilität
(2010-11-05)Studies concerned with research on neuroplasticity are currently using different methods for transcranial stimulation (TMS) of the intact cortex. The common aim of these methods is the ... -
Einfluss von frontaler Theta-Oszillation auf kognitive Kontrolle mittels transkranieller Wechselstromstimulation (tACS)
(2022-04-20)θ band and θ-γ cross-frequency coupling (CFC) of the cingulate and frontal cortices have been linked to fundamental processes of cognitive control. This work investigates the role of specific brain oscillations in cognitive ... -
Der Einfluss von nicht invasiver transkranieller Stromstimulation auf das assoziative episodische Gedächtnis
(2021-05-26)Several studies imply that non-invasive transcranial current stimulation can modulate associative episodic memory. It represents one of the first cognitive function that is negatively affected by healthy aging processes ... -
Einfluss von transkraniellen Wechselstromstimulationen im Thetabereich auf die Bearbeitung der Stroop-Aufgabe
(2021-03-12)Cognitive control is an essential ability for everyday life. However, it also plays a crucial role in some psychiatric disorders, such as the addiction to alcohol. The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the ... -
Der Einfluss von verbalen Instruktionen und Placebostimulationen auf instrumentelles Lernen
(2020-06-24)Most people might think of „placebos“ as “ineffective substances” that doctors prescribe when they think that their patients are faking an illness. Many years, placebos have been misunderstood, unable to elicit real effects. ... -
Elektrophysiologische Korrelate des Lern- und Wiedererkennungsprozesses in gesunden Probanden
(2018-01-04)Electrophysiological correlates of the knowing process in healthy subjects. The aim was to find bioelectrical correlates in subjects by using EEG and associative learning tasks. In times of the reproducibility crisis it ... -
Influence of electrode placement on the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation
(2017-11-01)Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a method used to induce excitability changes in the motor cortex. Stimulation protocols can act either enhancing, using anodal stimulation or inhibiting, using cathodal ... -
Kathodale transkranielle Stromstimulation des visuellen Kortex als Verfahren zur prophylaktischen Behandlung der Migräne
(2021-03-19)The purpose of this study was to determine whether transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can be an effective prophylactic therapy for migraine and migraine-associated pain. This painless and non-invasive method ... -
Manipulation of the Working Memory Performance in Humans using Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation over the Frontoparietal Network
(2018-11-14)The working memory (WM) is a key mechanism that ensures complex behavior in humans. It requires the bilateral activation of the fronto-parietal brain network and has been subdivided on the phonological loop, which processes ... -
Neuroplastische Effekte transkranieller Nahinfrarotstimulation unterschiedlicher Stimulationsdauer auf die kortikale Exzitabilität
(2018-03-13)Transcranial Near-infrared-Stimulation as a kind of non-invasive Photobiostimulation of the cortex is able to modulate neurobiological functions without causing thermal damage. The aim of this experiment was to study the ... -
Selektive Modulation des Erregbarkeitsniveaus am motorischen Cortex durch transkranielle Wechsel- und Rauschstrom-Stimulation mit unterschiedlichen Intensitäten
(2020-07-06)Background: non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) is an essential tool in the field of neuroscience. In addition to the non-invasive transcranial stimulation methods such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), ... -
Therapeutisches Potenzial der transkraniellen Wechselstromstimulation über dem visuellen Kortex in der häuslichen Behandlung akuter Migräne
(2018-10-10)Around 5,7 million people in Germany suffer from migraine. This disorder leads to strong restrictions in the professional and social life of the affected people. As the standard drug therapy results in several adverse ... -
Untersuchung der Modulierbarkeit von sensorischen Schmerzschwellen durch schwache transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation
(2012-08-21)Invasive stimulation of the motor cortex has been used for years to alleviate chronic intractable pain in humans. In our study, we have investigated the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a ... -
Untersuchung zur Modulierbarkeit der sensorischen Schmerzwahrnehmung durch Theta-Burst-Stimulation
(2012-04-19)Theta burst stimulation of the motor cortex reduces laser-evoked pain perception. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the primary motor cortex (M1) was recently introduced to modulate pain perception. The ... -
Überprüfung der Effektivität transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation bei Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen
(2012-10-17)Background and objectives: Chronic pain resulting from injury of the nervous system is associated with substantial dysfunction of various neural networks. Consecutive sessions of noninvasive stimulation, such as ... -
Vergleichende Untersuchung der Effekte schwacher transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation in Abhängigkeit von der Händigkeit der Probanden
(2014-09-05)Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has proven to be a useful tool for fundamental brain research as well as for attempts in therapy of neurological and psychiatric diseases by modulating neuronal plasticity. ... -
Die Wirksamkeit von repetitiver kathodaler transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation (rc-tDCS) des visuellen Kortex in der Prophylaxe der menstruellen Migräne
(2020-01-15)Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the efficacy of repetitive cathodal direct current stimulation (rctDCS) over the visual cortex (V1) as a prophylactic treatment in migraineurs. Method: 20 patients were ... -
Die Wirkung des BDNF-Polymorphismus auf trankraniell induzierte Neuroplastizität
(2013-02-04)The thesis examines the effects of the BDNF polymorphism on the neuroplasticity, wich can be influenced by various electrical flow and magnetic stimulation methods