Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Gerold, Gerhard Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
Above- and belowground biomass and nutrient stocks in monoculture and agroforestry cacao production systems in the Alto Beni, Bolivia
(2022-03-08)There is hardly any place left on earth that can be considered untouched nature. Humans penetrate into all areas of this earth, and may it be through greenhouse gas emissions or other types of air and environmental pollution. ... -
Monitoring forest fragmentation and carbon storage in the Cerrado Biome of Mato Grosso using optical and SAR satellite images
(2021-01-15)Several studies suggested that forest fragmentation, which is an effect of deforestation, and edge effect have an impact on the biomas and carbon stock in tropical forest. For Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes, most studies ... -
Analyses of hydrological and hydrochemical fluxes in selected catchments of the Cerrado and Amazon biomes
(2019-03-12)On many levels, there is a lack of understanding regarding the impacts of deforestation on water resources and soil properties in the Amazon-Cerrado ecotone, where the Amazonian agricultural frontier is mostly present. ... -
Conceptual Planning of Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Context of Integrated Water Resources Management for a semi-arid and a tropical Case Study in Palestine and Brazil: A new Integrated MAR Planning Approach.
(2018-08-07)This thesis focuses on the development, application and evaluation of new integrative approach for the planning of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) concepts in the context of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The ... -
Plant Diversity and hydrological relations to groundwater in the riparian zone of Cerrado in Mato Grosso (Brazil)
(2018-04-12)The riparian zones are essential to environmental quality, providing human society with several ecosystems services. Nonetheless, in tropical ecosystems, an intensive overexploitation of resources can hinder their resilience ... -
Forest, Livelihoods and REDD+ implementation in the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador
(2017-02-10)Forests represent vital food and income sources for rural households as well as reserves for crisis periods. Therefore, deforestation and forest degradation can endanger the livelihoods of forest dependent communities. ... -
Highly resolved thermal analysis as a tool for simultaneous quantification of total carbon, organic carbon, inorganic carbon and soil organic carbon fractions in landscapes
(2015-02-25)To quantify and evermore qualify carbon in soils have become highly timely task in landscape ecology. However, separating soil organic carbon (SOC) into different ecologically relevant fractions is difficult. Particularly ... -
Adaptation to climate change as a key element in strategic planning of biodiversity conservation in Latin America, with special reference to the Santa Cruz department, Bolivia
(2014-06-25)This study is based on a conceptual analysis of climate-induced stresses as well as the revision of management plans of protected areas across the Americas, with a particular focus on the protected areas of the Santa Cruz ... -
Zerstörungsfreie Wurzelortung mit geophysikalischen Methoden im urbanen Raum
(2013-10-08)The aim of the work was to analyse whether Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) are suitable to detect tree roots in urban areas. The non-destructive visualisation of roots was ... -
Policy options to reduce deforestation in the Bolivian lowlands based on spatial modeling of land use change
(2013-01-09)Tropical deforestation represents one of the most urgent environmental problems of our time; it contributes heavily to climate change, causes immense losses of biodiversity and endangers important environmental services. ... -
(2010-10-27)The introduction of alien species into new environments for many centuries has led to global biodiversity impacts which have been altering ecological processes gradually. These alterations ... -
Building a Decision Support System for Agricultural Land Use Planning and Sustainable Management at the District Level in Vietnam
(2010-02-05)This research aims at developing a decision support system (DSS) to improve the decision-making capacity of administrators as well as other interested parties. The system will help develop ... -
Anoxic sediments and their potential to favour bacterial wood decay
(2007-10-30)Wooden pile foundations are widely used along coastal areas and river sites in Europe to support historic buildings. When the ground water level is low these wooden structures are exposed ... -
Wissensgestütztes Beobachtungs- und Evaluierungssystem der Landnutzung
(2006-07-11)This dissertation develops a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system to assess the conservation status of the forest located in the influence area of the gas-pipeline San Miguel-Cuiabá in ... -
Hypsometrischer Klima- und Bodenwandel in Bergregenwaldökosystemen Boliviens
(2006-05-02)The altitudinal change of soils, climate and litter in Bolivian tropical montane rainforest ecosystems was investigated to examine the relation between the distribution of vegetation and ... -
Waldkonversion und Bodendegradation im tropischen Tiefland von Ostbolivien
(2006-04-21)The objective of the present study was to assess the main types of soil degradation such as nutrient decline (e.g. soil organic matter) and soil compaction caused by different land use ... -
Entwicklung eines statistischen Habitateignungsmodells zur räumlichen Vorhersage der Vorkommenswahrscheinlichkeit des Wachtelkönigs (<i>Crex crex L.</i>) im Nationalpark Unteres Odertal
(2006-03-29)Until the middle of the last decade, there had been little knowledge about the habitat requirements and conservation biology of corncrakes (Flade 1991). Many questions on these topics were ... -
Measurement of Absolute Poverty and Indicators of Poverty among Rural Households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(2006-03-13)Poverty is a widespread and pervasive problem in many parts of the world. Many development programs and projects focus on poverty reduction. A precise targeting of the poor is decisive for their success. Therefore, it ... -
The Impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation Events on Water Resource Availability in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.
(2006-03-03)Precipitation anomalies caused by the warm phase (El Niño) of the ENSO cycle lead to a strong decrease of water resources in South-East Asia. The aim of this work is to study the impact of ... -
Landowners and biodiversity: Analysis of the potential of conservation on private land in the East of Bolivia
(2005-03-21)This study discusses the advantages and constraints of the involvement of private landowners in biodiversity conservation as well as the measures and strategies to accomplish this task. The ...