Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Denker, Manfred Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
A Biased Urn Model for Taxonomic Identification
(2009-03-24)We consider a stochastic model for the problem of taxonomic identification in bacterial genomes, motivated by the detection of horizontal gene transfer between non-closely related species. ... -
A Mathematical Approach to Self-Organized Criticality in Neural Networks
(2008-12-22)Self-organized criticality (SOC) is one of the key concepts to describe the emergence of complexity in natural systems. Recently a candidate for a SOC system has been found in the recordings ... -
Analysis of high dimensional repeated measures designs: The one- and two-sample test statistics
(2008-08-27)All models are wrong; only some are useful. (G. E. P. Box) In this project, we have analyzed some useful models, based on an approximation introduced by G. E. P. Box; hence, the next few ... -
Bipower-variation bei Finanzmarktdaten mit unregelmaessigen Beobachtungsabstaenden
(2008-01-25)This project considers an estimation concept for integreted volatility and variance. We finde an application in volatlity derivatives. We consider continuous stochastic volatility processes ... -
Almost sure behavior for increments of U-statistics
(2007-10-09)This thesis is concerned with a new type of almost sure behavior which was introduced by Erdös and Renyi. They found that the maxima of partial sums of independent and identically distributed ... -
Data-driven goodness-of-fit tests
(2007-08-22)The thesis consists of the two main parts.In the first part, we consider testing statistical hypotheses about densities of signals in deconvolution models. A new approach to this problem is proposed. ... -
Confidence bands for structural relationship models
(2007-01-29)The goal of the thesis is to construct the simultaneous confidence bands for structural relationship models introduced by Freitag (2000), Freitag and Munk (2005). Consider the two-sample ... -
Nichtparametrische Analyse von diagnostischen Tests
(2006-08-18)Diagnostic tests form the base of almost every clinical trial since they are necessary for the identification of the disease. For the evaluation of a new diagnostic trial one needs cases and controls with assured disease state. ... -
Das nichtparametrische Behrens-Fisher-Problem: ein studentisierter Permutationstest und robuste Konfidenzintervalle für den Shift-Effekt
(2006-08-17)For the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem a permutation test based on the studentized rank statistic of Brunner and Munzel is proposed. This procedure is applicable to count or ordered categorical data. By applying the ... -
Case-Control Association Tests Correcting for Population Stratification
(2006-03-31)A widely discussed problem in genetic case-control association studies is the impact of population stratification when testing for an association between a genetic marker and the disease. Genotyping of additional genetic ... -
Efficiency and Robustness Issues in Complex Statistical Designs for Two-Color Microarray Experiments
(2005-12-27)Identifying differentially expressed genes is one of the common goals of microarray experiments. The use of an efficient design in microarray experiments can improve the power of the ... -
Random Iterations of Subhyperbolic Relaxed Newton's Methods
(2005-04-01)The family of the natural iterations of a subhyperbolic relaxed Newton s method of a complex polynomial devides the Riemann sphere into two disjoint sets: the nonempty, perfect, nowhere ... -
On the Stability of Julia Sets of Functions having Baker Domains
(2005-01-07)We study the behaviour of Julia sets under perturbation of the underlying functions. We focus on functions whose associated Fatou sets contain Baker domains. In the first chapter we examine ... -
Limit theorems for statistical functionals with applications to dimension estimation
(2004-08-09)This thesis deals with two different types of limit theorems: classical limit theorems and almost sure limit theorems (ASLT).We prove classical limit theorems for a special statistical ... -
Some remarks on the central limit theorem for stationary Markov processes
(2004-05-19)The central limit theorem for additive functionals of stationary ergodic Markov processes is investigated via the method of martingale approximations. We give a necessary and sufficient ... -
The Likelihood Ratio Test for Order Restricted Hypotheses in Non-Inferiority Trials
(2003-10-16)In clinical investigations with the goal to evaluate new therapies, the efficacy of a new therapy is usually declared by its superiority over a palcebo or standard. In the last decade new approaches became popular focussing ... -
Die statistische Auswertung von ordinalen Daten bei zwei Zeitpunkten und zwei Stichproben
(2002-05-08)One of the simplest biometrical questions is the comparison of two groups. The thesis deals with such a comparison with additional baseline values under consideration. The baseline values are measured on an ordinal scale ... -
Nichtparametrische Cross-Over-Verfahren
(2002-02-18)In a standard cross-over design there are two groups, which differ with respect to the order, in which two treatments are applied. In the past, statistical methods for this design were based on the linear model. Because ... -
Nichtparametrische relative Effekte