Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 2182-2201 of 5545
H-Strom und kortikale Theta-Rhythmen
(2007-07-24) -
Habitat ecology and long-term development of the macrophyte vegetation of north-west German streams and rivers since the 1950s
(2013-11-08)This PhD thesis deals with the habitat characterization and the long-term development over 60 years of the macrophyte vegetation of north-west German running waters in order to contribute to the knowledge about the ecology ... -
Habitat selection, cryptic diversity, phylogeny, and phylogeography of the European Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus species group (Collembola: Entomobryidae)
(2019-02-12)Accurate species identification and assessment of species diversity are essential for studies on phylogeny and phylogeography, adaptation and ecological function. The development of molecular methods triggered the discovery ... -
Habitat Suitability Modeling for Tiger (Panthera tigris) in the Hukaung Valley Tiger Reserve, Northern Myanmar
(2012-10-11)This study based on the aim to contribute to the effective conservation of suitable tiger habitat by drawing habitat suitability map. We modeled habitat suitability using the empirical multivariate approach of the ... -
Habitat use and population viability of the Red Kite (Milvus milvus) in Germany
(2021-05-04)The Red Kite (Milvus milvus) is a European near-endemic raptor species and due to its limited distribution and small global population size in the focus of national and international conservation efforts. Even within Europe, ... -
Halmbasis- und Wurzelkrankheitserreger an Weizen (Trititcum aestivum L.) in Energiefruchtfolgen und Bedeutung des Halmbasisbefalls mit Fusarium culmorum (W. G. Smith) Sacc. und Fusarium graminearum (Schwabe) für die Mykotoxin-Kontamination der Pflanze
(2013-04-16)In the present study, the impact of energy crop rotations on stem basis and root pathogens of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was evaluated by means of a two-way factorial design in field trials conducted at two locations ... -
Halophytenvegetation im Chaco Boreal, Paraguay - Pflanzengeographie, Ökologie und Dynamik in Zeiten des Klima- und Landnutzungswandels
(2014-07-07)The South American Gran Chaco with its particular geological and climatic conditions is especially susceptible to salinization of soils and water. The aim of this study was to analyze the phytogeography and the phytosociology ... -
Handbuch der monogenen Erbmerkmale beim Hund
(2008-10-01)The objective of the present thesis was to compile all monogenic hereditary diseases and traits whose molecular genetic causes have been identified to date (status quo in October 2007). ... -
HappyFace as a monitoring tool for the ATLAS experiment
(2016-10-24)The importance of monitoring on HEP grid computing systems is growing due to a significant increase in their complexity. Computer scientists and administrators have been studying and building effective ways to gather ... -
Hard X-ray Waveguide Optics
(2005-11-18)The thesis is about the preparation of intense hard X-ray nanobeams focusing on the use of X-ray waveguides in resonant beam coupling and front coupling geometry. -
Harmonic analysis on 2-step stratified Lie groups without the Moore-Wolf condition
(2022-04-07)In this thesis we investigate harmonic analysis on a particular class of sub-Riemannian manifold, namely the 2-step stratified Lie groups $\mathbb{G}$, as well as its applications in partial differential equations. This ... -
Häufige Kopfschmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter:
(2008-08-20)In addition to pharmacological therapies, psychological treatments are also used in the reduction of recurrent headache in children and adolescents, in order to achieve an alleviation of ... -
Health consequences of group living in wild Verreaux’s sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi)
(2020-07-10)The evolution of sociality exposed individuals to several new health-related costs and benefits, which fundamentally affect their survival and reproductive success. Group living provides better access to food and mates and ... -
Heat Transport Phenomena in Shallow Geothermal Boreholes
(2014-02-26)The branch of shallow geothermics is part of renewable energies with a potential that has not been fully exploited. Although various analytical and numerical approaches to determine the processes in vertical borehole ... -
HECT-type Ubiquitin Ligases in Nerve Cell Development
(2016-10-11)Development of neurons begins in the middle of embryogenesis after closure of the neural tube. In the process of neurogenesis, neural stem cells generate nerve cells by asymmetric cell divisions at the ventricular zone of ... -
Heizung der Atmosphären Weißer Zwerge durch Zyklotronstrahlung am Beispiel des Polars AM Herculis
(2005-07-13)This thesis investigates the modelling of hydrogen-rich atmospheres of white dwarfs which are irradiated by an external source.Polars are semi-detached close binary systems which consist ... -
Helioseismic diagnostics of solar dynamics in the near-surface layers
(2022-02-08)This thesis proposes to develop new helioseismic diagnostics of solar near-surface flows. In a first part, we discuss the interaction of solar seismic waves (sound waves) with small-scale turbulent convection. The treatment ... -
Helminth infections in laying hens kept in alternative production systems in Germany - Prevalence, worm burden and genetic resistance
(2011-05-11)The aim of this study was to investigate the spectrum and intensity of helminth infections, as well as to estimate seasonal effects on the prevalence and burden of helminths in organic free ... -
Hemmung der Cytochrom c-induzierten Caspase-Aktivierung durch Toxoplasma gondii in vitro und in vivo:molekulare Mechanismen und parasitäre Effektormoleküle
(2012-11-22)Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite and is able to infect almost all nucleated cells of humans and warm-blooded animals. Infection of immunocompetent individuals is mostly asymptomatic and leads to ... -
Herkunft, Migrationsformen und Verbleib von Haupt- und Spurenelementen in Sicker- und Porenwässern des ehemaligen Braunkohletagebaus Zwenkau/Cospuden
(2001-06-27)Acidification due to pyrite oxidation in former lignite mining regions leads to severe and long-term consequences for the quality of regional waters. From the pyrite itself and from other ...