Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 5433-5452 of 5496
Z →ττ Cross Section Measurement and ττ Mass Reconstruction with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
(2012-11-14)In this dissertation, the Z to tautau decay where one τ decays leptonically and the other one hadronically is presented. The process is studied with data collected from the ATLAS experiment in pp collisions at c-m-s = 7 TeV ... -
Z-graded supergeometry: Differential graded modules, higher algebroid representations, and linear structures
(2021-06-21)The purpose of this thesis is to present a self-standing review of $\mathbb{Z}$- (respectively $\mathbb{N}$-)graded supergeometry with emphasis in the development and study of two particular structures therein. Namely, ... -
Zahlungen für Naturschutz im Wald - Problem und Lösungsansatz aus Sicht des Agency-Ansatzes
(2017-05-17)In relation to the growing demands on forests, financial environmental policy instruments move more and more in the focus. In Europe, such instruments exist already in the field of nature conservation. In the frame of the ... -
Zahlungsbereitschaftsanalysen in der umweltökonomischen Bewertung von öffentlichen Gütern des Waldes
(2018-12-20)The lack of availability of market prices for public goods in forests creates the need to obtain reliable assessments for them. Market failure, which occurs when goods influence third parties positively or negatively but ... -
Zeeman tomography of magnetic white dwarfs
(2006-10-12)The aim of this work has been to develop a method that allows to derive the distribution of the surface magnetic fields of magnetic white dwarfs from a set of rotation-phase resolved flux ... -
Zeitaufgelöste Fluoreszenzspektroskopie unimolekularer Reaktionen im Überschalldüsenstrahl: <i>trans-cis</i>-Photoisomerisierung, Phenylringtorsion, intramolekularer Wasserstoffatomtransfer
(2005-11-02)In this work three types of unimolecular reactions were studied spectroscopically and theoretically with model systems: (1) the trans-cis-photoisomerization of trans-stilbene and its ... -
Zeitaufgelöste inelastische Neutronenstreuung an entmischenden Silber-Natriumchlorid-Einkristallen
(2002-11-20)The kinetic of decomposition in silver sodium chloride single crystals has been studied by means of the evolution of phonon spectra. In the early stages of decomposition a spinodal ... -
Zeitlich modulierte Statistik der periodisch gestörten turbulenten Kanalströmung
(2002-03-25)The turbulent channel flow is subjected to a temporal change of the boundary conditions, either by periodic variation of a longitudinal wall speed or, alternatively, by periodic variation ... -
Zeitwahrnehmung in isochronen Sequenzen
(2009-09-03)The predictions of three different psychological models for time perception were compared with the results of seven experiments. In each experiment the participants listened to a sequence ... -
Zellbiologie der Knochenresorption
(2002-12-04)Recently, several lines of evidence suggested that activated fibroblasts might contribute to bone resorption in rheumatoid arthritis and also in aseptic prosthesis loosing. Till now, only ... -
Zellbiologische Untersuchung α-Mannosidase-defizienter und Enzym-behandelter Mäuse
(2009-11-04)The deficiency of the lysosomal α-mannosidase leads to the lysosomal storage disease α-mannosidosis. A feasible option for the treatment of this disease is the substitution of the missing ... -
Zellspezifische Funktionen des Typ 1 Interferonrezeptors bei der experimentellen autoimmunen Enzephalomyelitis
(2007-11-22)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), the etiology of which remains unclear. It is generally held that ... -
Zelltyp-spezifische Interaktionen von Toxoplasma gondii und murinen Skelettmuskelzellen in vitro
(2014-06-26)Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most common intracellular protozoan parasites worldwide and an important human pathogen. Its life cycle includes three stages: sporozoites, tachyzoites and bradyzoites. While sporozoites are ... -
Zentrale und periphere Populationen von Hornungia petraea: Biodiversität und Demographie auf unterschiedlichen raum-zeitlichen Skalenebenen
(2004-06-14)Hornungia petraea is a winter annual species of the Brassicaceae. The species has a submediterranean-subatlantic distribution. On the basis of H. petraea populations, different ... -
Zerstörungsfreie Wurzelortung mit geophysikalischen Methoden im urbanen Raum
(2013-10-08)The aim of the work was to analyse whether Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) are suitable to detect tree roots in urban areas. The non-destructive visualisation of roots was ... -
Zertifizierungssysteme im Agribusiness - Bewertung aus Anwendersicht und internationale Entwicklungen
(2009-10-28)The dissertation consists of four different parts which focus on the overall topic of certification schemes in agribusiness. After an introduction the first part refers to the evaluation ... -
Die Zirconiumalkoxid-katalysierte Aldol-Tishchenko-Reaktion von Keton-Aldolen
(2005-05-18)In the first part of the current thesis the aldol-Tishchenko reaction of ketone aldols as enol equivalents has been developed as an efficient strategy to furnish differentiated 1,3-anti ... -
Zirkulierende Nukleinsäuren als molekulare Marker zur Trächtigkeitsbestimmung beim Rind
(2012-07-12)Circulating nucleic acids (CNAs) are specified as DNAs and RNAs outside cells that are circulating in the blood free or wrapped in membrane vesicles of healthy and diseased individuals. In this study CNA profiles from serum ... -
Zu den gesundheitsfördernden Effekten von Waldaufenthalten
(2018-04-11)According to a forecast people of the high-income countries will suffer most on the two civilization diseases heart diseases and depression in year 2030. Currently, these diseases already lead to considerable financial ...