Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 451-470 of 5496
Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation under extreme terrestrial and simulated extraterrestrial conditions
(2020-05-25)Since the Apollo 16 mission in 1972, Bacillus subtilis served as bacterial model organism in space. Due to the ability to form highly resistant endospores and complex biofilms, it was used to investigate the effects of ... -
Backtracking approaches for the delineation of contamination sources
(2013-12-13)Contaminated groundwater poses a serious threat to drinking water resources all over the world. Even though contaminated water might be detected in observation wells, a proper clean-up is often only successful if the source ... -
Bagger or Bär? The influence of individual interests on early word learning
(2023-01-03)Young children are remarkable word learners: At the end of the first year of life, typically developing children only produce a handful of words, but their vocabularies grow many times over during the second and third year ... -
Ballistic electron transport in graphene nanodevices and billiards
(2019-10-17)Nanodevices are objects with broad relevance for today's society, which bases its economy, operation, and communication onto digital resources. In ballistic nanodevices, disorder has either negligible or minor impact on ... -
Bandamycin as New Antifungal Agent and further Secondary Metabolites from Terrestrial and Marine Microorganisms
(2012-05-03)In this study, eight terrestrial and two marine bacteria, and four endophytic fungi have been investigated chemically and pharmacologically, out of which a total of fourty-eight secondary metabolites were isolated. ... -
Barriers of Protonation Reactions of Organometallics
(2023-09-20)Protonation reactions are entirely understood for simple organic and inorganic molecules and there are elaborated concepts to describe such acid-base reactions in both the solution and gas phase. For organometallic species, ... -
Barycenters and ANOVA for Point Pattern Data
(2022-05-10)In this thesis a new metric for point patterns is developed. A heuristic algorithm is presented, that computes barycenters with respect to the new metric. The barycenters are then used in ANOVA procedures, to assess the ... -
Ein Baukastensystem zum universellen Aufbau kleiner rigidifizierter Peptidomimetika und spirocyclopropanierter Wirkstoffanaloga
(2005-10-28)In contrast to the various synthetic accesses to biologically active peptidomimetics developed by other groups, we start from a single readily available class of building blocks. As in a ... -
Bayes Filters with Improved Measurements for Visual Object Tracking
(2012-03-22)Visual object tracking uses cameras to track target objects in the environment, which has many applications nowadays, such as intelligent surveillance, medical care, intelligent transportation ... -
Bayesian structure reconstruction from single molecule X-ray scattering data
(2015-02-11)X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL) offer new possibilities for molecular structure determination in single molecule experiments. In this thesis, I propose and assess two alternative Bayesian approaches, namely Orientational ... -
Bedeutung der ACE2-Spaltung durch Wirtszellproteasen für die SARS-Coronavirus-Infektion
(2014-07-29)The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is a highly pathogenic virus and its zoonotic entry into the human population represents a substantial health threat. The identification of host cell factors ... -
Die Bedeutung der CO2-Fixierung von Leguminosenknöllchen für ihre Aktivität und Effizienz
(2009-10-09)The present work reports results from experiments on the influence of CO2 fixation for the N2 fixation in root nodules of legumes (Pisum sativum L. and Medicago sativa L.). It was shown ... -
Die Bedeutung der Epiphyten im ökosystemaren Wasser- und Nährstoffumsatz verschiedener Altersstadien eines Bergregenwaldes in Costa Rica
(2002-12-09)In a comparative study, conducted in the Costa Rican Cordillera Talamanca, a chronosequence of three different successional stages of an upper montane rain forest was investigated. This ... -
Bedeutung der Homöodomäne des Transkriptionsfaktors Pax6 für die Aktivierung des Glukagon-Gens durch Pax6
(2004-09-08)Pax6 is one of the essential transcription factors for activating glucagon gene expression and contains two DNA-binding domains, the paired domain and the homeodomain. In vitro, Pax6 binds ... -
Die Bedeutung der Landschaftsstruktur für die Bienendiversität und Bestäubung auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen Skalen
(2004-08-25)Pollination is one of the most important processes in terrestrial ecosystems. This free nature service depends on a homogeneous distribution and sufficient density of flower-visiting insects, ... -
Die Bedeutung der Proteine 4.1G und 4.1N für den Aufbau und die Funktion glutamaterger Synapsen
(2009-09-14)In the present study, the role of proteins 4.1G and 4.1N for the synaptic localisation of AMPA receptors and neurotransmission at glutamatergic synapses in the mouse brain has been examined. ... -
Die Bedeutung der subzellulären CaMKIIδ-Überexpression auf den intrazellulären Ca2+-Stoffwechsel in Herzmuskelzellen
(2007-04-17)The Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is a multifunctional serine/threonine protein kinase. It is formed as a multimer consisting of 6 to 12 monomers. CaMKIIδ, the ... -
Die Bedeutung des ÖPNV für die nachhaltige Sicherung der Mobilität in der Region Frankfurt Rhein-Main
(2007-07-10)The city of Frankfurt/Main is at a point of major European crossroads with excellent transport infrastructure. Therefore not only the city but the whole metropolitan region of Frankfurt ... -
Die Bedeutung des Proteins Scarecrow-like 14 in der Regulation der Transkription von Stressgenen
(2006-10-23)The cis-regulatory element as-1 of many plant pathogen-related defence genes is inducible by salicylic acid (SA) and auxin. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) seem to be involved. A ... -
Die Bedeutung von BRCA1-assoziiertem Protein in der Entwicklung der lastinduzierten Myokardhypertrophie
(2009-02-17)Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are regulating important cellular processes such as growth, differentiation, mitosis and apoptosis and are highly relevant for cardiac ...