Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Title
Now showing items 5371-5390 of 5496
Wachstum amorpher Schichten: Vergleich von Experiment und Simulation im Bereich Oberflächenrauhigkeit und mechanische Spannungen
(2001-07-04)Structure formation and mechanical stresses of amorphous and polycrystal films, prepared by evaporation, sputtering and PLD, are investigated, and modelled with the help of Monte-Carlo ... -
Wachstum metallischer Nanoclustern auf Polymeroberflächen
(2005-04-22)Growth and properties of metallic nanoclusters on polymer surfaces lead to interesting physical questions. At the same time clusters on polymers have a high potential with regard to technical ... -
Wachstum und Grenzflächenbeschaffenheit oxidischer Ausscheidungen in Silber
(2003-12-02)The chemical composition of metal/oxide (M/O)- interfaces was studied for an internally oxidized Ag1at.%Mg- and Ag1at.%Mn- alloy with MgO- and Mn3O4- nanoprecipitates in a dilute Ag matrix, ... -
Wachstum und waldbauliche Behandlung der Roteiche (Quercus rubra L.) in Nordwestdeutschland
(2024-10-14)Seventy years after the first monographs on the Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra L.) for West Germany (Bauer 1953a) and East Germany (Göhre and Wagenknecht 1955) were published, this work is once again devoted to growth, ... -
Wachstumsanalyse amorpher dicker Schichten und Schichtsysteme
(2004-07-14)Based on a stochastic partial differential equation, surface morphology evolution of growing amorphous thin films can be described. For enhancement and verification of the applicability to ... -
Die Wald-Ereignisanalyse
(2005-10-10)This thesis deals with three thinning operations in uneven-aged mixed broadlleave stands. The data are collected after marking the trees for thinning but before removal of deciduous trees. ... -
Walddynamik in Mischwäldern des Nationalparks Hainich
(2006-07-19)The stand-structure of near natural, mixed broad-leaved forest stands in the eastern part of the Hainich Nationalpark was studied on four plots (à 0.64). The main objective was to find out if the actual species richness ... -
Waldkonversion und Bodendegradation im tropischen Tiefland von Ostbolivien
(2006-04-21)The objective of the present study was to assess the main types of soil degradation such as nutrient decline (e.g. soil organic matter) and soil compaction caused by different land use ... -
Waldkonversion und Bodendegradation in Bergnebelwaldgebieten Guatemalas (Alta Verapaz)
(2003-11-28)Due to their number of ecological functions and endemic flora and fauna, the tropical montane cloud forests of Guatemala need to be protected. They were classified by the World Bank as ... -
Wasseraufnahme und artspezifische hydraulische Eigenschaften der Feinwurzeln von Buche, Eiche und Fichte: In situ-Messungen an Altbäumen
(2002-09-17)1. In this study, the application of miniature sap flow gauges to 3-4 mm roots and subsequent determination of absorbing root area allowed measurement of surface-specific water uptake rates ... -
Wasserbewegung und Stofftransport in Pelosolen am Beispiel des Südniedersächsischen Röt (Oberer Buntsandstein)
(2002-02-25)Former studies of modeling water and nutrient balance sizes lead to the question, if ordinary model concepts are applicable in structured soils with high clay content (e.g. vertisols). These ... -
Wasserhaushalt und Wassernutzungseffizienz von vier perennierenden Pflanzenarten im Vorland einer zentralasiatischen Flussoase
(2003-11-18)At the southern fringe of the Taklamakan desert, the annual precipitation is only 33 mm, and the potential evaporation 2600 mm. The oases are supplied with water through rivers, which run from the Kunlun Mountains and carry ... -
Wasserstein Distance on Finite Spaces: Statistical Inference and Algorithms
(2017-12-07)Wasserstein distances or, more generally, distances that quantify the optimal transport between probability measures on metric spaces have long been established as an important tool in probability theory. More recently, ... -
Wasserstoffabsorption in epitaktischen Niobschichten: eine STM-Studie
(2007-02-19)In this work the phase transition of the system Niobium Hydrogen in thin films was investigated. The epitaxial Niobium films were fabricated using ion sputtering on sapphire substrates. The ... -
Water dynamics in the rhizosphere
(2016-03-10)The flow of water from soil to plant roots is affected by the narrow region of soil close to the roots, the so-called rhizosphere. The rhizosphere is influenced by mucilage, a polymeric gel exuded by roots that alters the ... -
Water level response to harmonic disturbances in confined aquifers: modeling, global sensitivity, and applications
(2024-06-13)In well-aquifer system, oscillatory water levels are often observed in monitoring wells when the aquifer is perturbed by harmonic disturbances, such as oscillatory pumping, ocean tide and seismic waves. In general, the ... -
Water management strategies towards sustainable agricultural development, taking Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and brackish water utilization into Account: Case Study: Auja, LJV, Palestine.
(2019-06-07)Increasing water irrigation demand combined with water scarcity and deterioration of the water quality in the Lower Jordan Valley (hereafter referred to as LJV) - Palestine, has led to a serious challenge in managing ... -
Water Soluble Photochromic Fluorescent Nanoprobes based on Diheteroarylethenes and Polymer Coated Quantum Dots
(2013-12-20)The rapidly growing field of fluorescence microscopy is dependent on the introduction of new, versatile probes. Quantum dots (QDs) are of great interest due to their brightness, fatigue resistance, large extinction ...