Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Rakoczy, Hannes Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Cognitive Foundations of Ascribing Intentional Action
(2024-08-09)Understanding and interpreting actions is fundamental for profoundly social beings like humans. We explain and predict intentional actions of others by reference to mental states, such as beliefs, desires and intentions. ... -
Altercentric Bias: A Potential New Window into Implicit Theory of Mind
(2023-07-24)It has been traditionally assumed that theory of mind (ToM) -our ability to ascribe mental states to others and ourselves- emerges around age four, as indicated in performance on standard explicit false belief (FB) tasks ... -
The Development of Recursive Meta-Representational Theory of Mind
(2023-06-02)Domain-general theories of Theory of Mind development assume that the ability to understand mental states (representations) as such is based on a fundamental understanding of representa-tions as representations ... -
Social information sampling and decision-making: An evolutionary and ontogenetic perspective
(2023-05-16)An advantage of being a group-living-, as opposed to a solitary-species, is having the opportunity to engage with conspecifics in mutually beneficial cooperative activities. Choice of cooperation partner often decides ... -
Effects of Visual Masking and Crowding on Stimulus Visibility and Processing
(2023-01-10)The visibility of visual stimuli can be manipulated by various methods such as visual masking or crowding in such a way that the viewer can no longer identify the stimulus. Despite these circumstances, the stimuli can be ... -
The role of causal representations in moral judgment
(2022-09-05)Morality and causation are deeply intertwined. For instance, the value of anticipated consequences is a crucial input for an action’s moral permissibility, and assigning blame or responsibility for outcomes generally ... -
Children’s Subjective Understanding of Conative Mental States
(2021-06-25)In our everyday lives, one substantial factor is to make sense of other agents’ actions. We describe and explain these actions by referring to the agents’ cognitive states, such as knowledge and beliefs, and their conative ... -
Selective social belief revision in preschoolers
(2020-02-25)Recent research has shown that from the early beginning of development, children selectively form new beliefs by monitoring the competence and reliability of social sources of information (e.g., Harris, 2012). Successful ... -
Statistical reasoning in nonhuman primates and human children
(2019-10-17)Decision makers are often faced with different options and must make decisions without having perfect knowledge about the outcomes. They have only samples of data at hand, extracted from past and present states of their ... -
Phenomenological considerations of metacontrast masking
(2019-04-24)This thesis enriches the understanding of metacontrast masking as multidimensional phenomenon on the basis of phenomenological, behavioral as well as neurophysiological data. The phenomenological investigations (Experiment ... -
Answering Causal Queries About Singular Cases - An Evaluation of a New Computational Model
(2019-03-04)This thesis addresses the question of how causal queries about singular cases can be answered. Singular causation queries refer to causal connections between actually occurred events that can be localized in space and time. ... -
Tolerant chimpanzee - quantifying costs and benefits of sociality in wild female bonobos (Pan paniscus)
(2019-01-30)Social interactions with conspecifics have fitness consequences for individuals. Socio-ecology is a subdiscipline of behavioral ecology. Socio-ecology integrates ecology, sexual selection, inclusive fitness theory, and ... -
The evolutionary roots of intuitive statistics
(2018-12-04)Intuitive statistical reasoning is the capacity to draw intuitive probabilistic inferences based on an understanding of the relations between populations, sampling processes and resulting samples. This capacity is fundamental ... -
Roots of Primate Cognition. The Primate Cognition Test Battery applied to three species of lemurs (Varecia variegata, Lemur catta and Microcebus murinus).
(2018-05-16)Compared to other mammals, primates have evolved relatively large brains and outstanding cognitive skills. Given that brain tissue is energetically very costly, one major evolutionary question concerns possible selection ... -
Exploring Early Language Acquisition from Different Kinds of Input: The Role of Attention
(2017-10-16)While most research on infant word segmentation has investigated the extraction of words from fluent speech in standard laboratory settings, the series of experiments in this dissertation examined the role of different ... -
Theory of Mind: Four-year-revolution revisited
(2017-06-20)The standard picture of Theory of Mind development is this: Children begin to explicitly ascribe beliefs and other propositional attitudes to themselves and others around age four. Therefore, this has been considered as ... -
The impact of vocal expressions on the understanding of affective states in others
(2015-03-17)Understanding emotions of social partners is of fundamental importance in day-to-day life. Humans share their affective states and intentions not only by language, but also by facial expressions, body posture or tone of ... -
Processing of Garden Path Jokes: Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Correlates
(2015-02-20)In garden path jokes (GP jokes), an initially dominant semantic representation of an ambiguous text is violated. It needs to be revised in order to re-establish a coherent representation. The processing of GP jokes is ... -
Aspects of Temporal Cognition in Children's Development:
(2014-02-10)The dissertation focuses on three aspects of children’s temporal cognition: (1) Children’s capacity to reason about temporal and causal relations between past, present and future events was investigated. In two experiments, ... -
Vocal communication in a tolerant multi-level society: insights from signallers and receivers in Guinea baboons
(2013-07-03)When studying the evolution of animal communication it is important to consider both, the signaller (i.e. signal structure and signal usage) and the receiver (i.e. signal response). While in primates the structure of sounds ...