Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Himmel, Wolfgang Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Lässt sich die Anwendung von Schlaf- und Beruhigungsmitteln im Krankenhaus verringern? Evaluation einer komplexen Intervention
(2022-01-28)Background. For problems falling asleep or staying asleep in the hospital, patients often receive sleep-inducing medications, possibly with significant side effects, especially for elderly patients. A multi-level ... -
Der Umgang von Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeschülern mit Benzodiazepinen und Z-Substanzen im Krankenhaus – Ergebnisse von Gruppendiskussionen
(2021-10-01)The use of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs for difficulties in falling asleep and staying asleep at the hospital increases the risk for inappropriate sedation, falls and fractures. The issue of the proper use of these ... -
Der unkomplizierte Harnwegsinfekt in der ambulanten Versorgung
(2021-06-18)Increasing resistance rates of uropathogenic germs require a rational use of antibiotics in the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections. In addition to antibiotic treatment strategies, symptomatic therapy options ... -
Why are sleep-inducing drugs frequently used in hospitals? Applying mixed-methods to understand a common practice and develop a complex intervention to change it
(2020-03-06)Background. In spite of well-known adverse effects, sleep-inducing drugs, such as benzodi-azepines and Z-drugs, are frequently prescribed for patients who have trouble sleeping in the unfamiliar environment of a hospital. ... -
Schlaf um jeden Preis
(2019-10-24)PURPOSE: Key Question was to find out if prior experiences with sleep-inducing drugs at home and positive experiences with this medication during a hospital stay have an influence on the wish to continue taking ... -
Die Verordnung von Schlaf- und Beruhigungsmitteln: Ein Mixed-methods-Ansatz zur Exploration einer Drucksituation
(2018-12-18)Background. Benzodiazepines and Z-drugs are frequently prescribed for more extended periods than recommended despite the potential risks for patients. To identify a lack of knowledge as a crucial factor would be insufficient. ... -
Barrieren und Potentiale der Lebensstilberatung in der Hausarztpraxis.
(2018-01-17)An inactive lifestyle is considered one of the major causes for type 2 diabetes and non-specific neck pain. Consequently, lifestyle interventions are endorsed as promising therapeutic option. But, unfortunately, there is ... -
Hausbesuch oder Visite – wie erleben Hausärzte und Pflegekräfte den Heimbesuch im Pflegeheim?
(2017-08-21)Background: The increasing number of residents in nursing homes and their complex health status will challenge medical care and the interaction between nurses and general practition-ers (GPs). The nursing home visit is a ... -
Krankheitserfahrungen im Internet als Informationsquelle und Hilfe
(2016-10-25)In the process of handling a chronic illness, many patients are searching the internet for experiences of other people affected. Websites with personal health experiences can provide support, influence health behavior and ... -
Verzicht als beherrschende Krankheitserfahrung bei Diabetes mellitus Typ 2
(2016-10-25)Background: In the treatment of type 2 diabetes lifestyle changes are of major concern. Consequently many study groups had the aim to explore personal concepts that seem to be critical for health-related behavior. The ... -
Niederlassung in ländlichen Gebieten Niedersachsens aus hausärztlicher Sicht
(2014-10-21)Introduction: The main reason for the impending critical shortage of GPs in rural areas is a shortage of young doctors who decide to become GPs, and to practise in rural areas. The Biographical experiences of GPs who ... -
Validität und Reliabilität eines Instruments zur Messung der Qualität der Kommunikation und seine Eignung im studentischen Unterricht
(2014-07-15)Questions and aims: The aim of this study (thesis) is to investigate if a short-version of the „Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide for the Medical Interview“ (CCOG) by Kurtz and Silverman (1996), translated into German, ... -
Verbessern Anamneseübungen die kommunikative Kompetenz von Studierenden der Medizin? Ein Prä-Post-Vergleich
(2011-02-23)Do communication training programs improve students communication skills? - a follow-up study - Background: In contrast to Anglo-American countries, German medical students do usually not ... -
Methode und Qualität der Adhärenzmessung in randomisiert kontrollierten Studien
(2009-11-30)Introduction: Adherence is the degree to which a patient follows medical advice. It is especially important in the treatment of chronic diseases. Non-adherence is widespread, often resulting ... -
Pharmakogenetische Untersuchungen beim Hausarzt aus Sicht von Patienten
(2008-11-24)Background: Pharmacogenetic testing could, in the future, help gauge the effects, adverse side effects and necessary dosage of a medication prior to consumption. The aim of this study was ... -
Arzt des Vertrauens: Präferenzen schizophrener Patienten für ihre haus- und fachärztliche Betreuung
(2007-09-17)medication and the permanent health care for those patients make this disease to a constant burden and challenge for the concerned persons and consultants. The literature postulates the ... -
Selbstmedikation und die Rolle des Hausarztes
(2005-08-15)Objectives. To study people s understanding of, and attitudes towards, self medication, with a special focus on the general practitioner s (GPs) role.Methods. We conducted a telephone survey, based ... -
Der Übergang zwischen Selbstmedikation und ärztlicher Pharmakotherapie
(2004-12-15)Background. In Germany and many other countries, an increasing number of drugs switch into non-prescription-status and are available over the counter (OTC). This development corresponds a ... -
Informationswünsche an ein medizinisches Expertenforum im Internet
(2004-05-24)Background:The internet as an integral part of medical care is becoming more and more important. Expert forums of medical specialists, who are qualified as online consultants, could be a ... -
Bewertung der akademischen Allgemeinmedizin
(2002-07-05)Introduction: Health care reforms (not only) in Germany rely on a strengthening of primary medical care and family medicine. The discipline of family medicine, however, is not well established ...