Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Nauck, Friedemann Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Ressourcen und Grenzen Angehöriger von Menschen mit fortgeschrittener COPD besser verstehen: eine qualitative Studie
(2024-11-05)Research question: COPD is a chronic disease that is very stressful both mentally and physically in its advanced stages and is now the third most common cause of death worldwide. People with COPD are reluctant to seek ... -
Hospiz- und Palliativversorgung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund
(2024-08-22)Background: Studies indicate that people with migration background (MB) seem to be underrepresented in hospice and palliative care (HPC). Evidence about their representation, challenges in care and strategies used to counter ... -
Der Einfluss chronischer Schmerzen auf die Qualität der Akutschmerztherapie bei operativen und nicht-operativen Patienten.
(2024-05-21)In the inpatient care of both surgical and non-surgical patients, improving acute pain therapy remains a key objective to reduce pain, promote recovery, and decrease the risk of pain chronicity. This study examined the ... -
Außermedizinische Wünsche am Lebensende von schwer erkrankten Menschen
(2024-01-08)The topic of wishes at the end of life is widely discussed in the media, but mostly limited to aspects of medical treatment at the end of life (e. g. living wills, organ donor cards). For palliative care, the holistic view ... -
Dokumentation von Ethik-Fallberatungen
(2023-12-21)Over the last two decades clinical ethics have become increasingly more important. A central task of clinical ethics are ethics case consultations. The “Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin” (a German professional society for ... -
Ethische Aspekte von Demenzdörfern: Eine explorative Fokusgruppenstudie zur Sicht von Angehörigen, professionell Pflegenden und der breiteren Öffentlichkeit.
(2023-06-02)In terms of empirical informed ethics, the involvement of affected persons in the ethical discourse is necessary in order to allow their points of view to be considered in the ethical evaluation. This perspective is missing ... -
Freiwilliger Verzicht auf Nahrung und Flüssigkeit - eine Bewertung aus Sicht von palliativmedizinischen und hausärztlich tätigen Ärztinnen und Ärzten
(2021-06-07)Voluntary stopping of eating and drinking (VSED) is discussed as an option for capable, terminally ill patients to hasten death. Although the concept of VSED is rather old and it has already been performed in ancient ... -
Die Evaluation der „Dokumentation einer Entscheidung über den Verzicht auf Wiederbelebung“
(2020-09-11)Due to the continuous development of medical treatment options, the question of the use of life-sustaining measures at the end of life is an important topic in everyday clinical practice. First it is shown an overview of ... -
Why are sleep-inducing drugs frequently used in hospitals? Applying mixed-methods to understand a common practice and develop a complex intervention to change it
(2020-03-06)Background. In spite of well-known adverse effects, sleep-inducing drugs, such as benzodi-azepines and Z-drugs, are frequently prescribed for patients who have trouble sleeping in the unfamiliar environment of a hospital. ... -
Qualitative Evaluation ethischer Fallbesprechungen
(2018-03-20)Background and aims: In order to ensure quality of ethics consultation provided by a clinical ethics committee (CEC), the evaluation of its work is a common process. Yet, evaluations using qualitative interpretative methods ... -
Schmerztherapie in der Onkologie- eine bundesweite Umfrage unter der Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie/ Onkologie
(2017-02-24)Background: Pain is one of the most prevalent and distressing symptoms of patients suffering from cancer. In the field of oncology comprehensive expertise is pursued not only with respect to the administration of ... -
Ethische Aspekte der zahnärztlichen Behandlung von Palliativpatienten
(2016-02-15)The treatment of palliative patients by dentsts seem generally accepted as part of a interdisciplinary treatment. Whereas the planning and manufacturing of denture causes a discourse in the appraisal of its tenability. ... -
Patienten mit hämatologischen Grunderkrankungen in der Palliativversorgung
(2015-06-22)Background: Patients with hematological malignancies are underrepresented in specialised palliative care institutions as compared to patients with solid tumours. When palliative care interventions do take place, they occur ... -
Hausärztliche Versorgung am Lebensende (HAVEL)
(2014-03-27)Background: General practitioners (GPs) play an essential role for patients in their last phase of life. But little is known about the amount of end of life care provided by general practitioners (GPs) in Germany. Therefore ... -
Thromboseprophylaxe bei Palliativpatienten in Deutschland
(2013-01-29)Introduction: There is just few data available regarding the prophylaxis of thromboembolic disease in patients under palliative care. The decision for an anticoagulant treatment is complex and needs to be in balance between ... -
Palliativpatienten mit malignen pulmonalen Erkrankungen: Charakteristika und Verteilung der klinischen Symptome unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Atemnot
(2012-10-04)Background Patients with advanced lung cancer are a special focus in palliative care not only for epidemiological or prognostic reasons. Also, their symptom burden is felt to be widespread and difficult to treat. This ... -
Charakteristika von Palliativpatienten mit Atemnot - Ergebnisse der Hospiz- und Palliativerhebungen (HOPE) von 2006 bis 2008
(2012-07-27)Background: Breathlessness is a common and distressing symptom in patients (pts) with advanced diseases. Aim: To describe demographical and clinical characteristics of pts suffering from breathlessness due to advanced ... -
Tumorspezifische Substanzen zur Symptomkontrolle in der Palliativmedizin - Entscheidungsfindung und Anwendung
(2012-05-30)Since the mid-1990s it has been assumed that tumor-modifying substances such as chemotherapeutics and – later on – so-called Targeted Therapies have positive effects on the control of symptoms and the life quality of ... -
Behandlung und Begleitung von Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom an der Schnittstelle zwischen palliativer Onkologie und Palliativmedizin
(2011-11-09)Background It is widely felt that patients with advanced stages of lung cancer face distinct and exceptional needs with regard to complexity and intensity of symptom burden, the ... -
Ars moriendi - Mittelalterliche Sterbekunst als Vorbild für eine neuzeitliche Sterbekultur
(2010-11-26)In this dissertation the author describes the medieval Ars-moriendi-literature and the view on dying, euthanasia and palliative care today. Therefore she uses original documents from the ...