Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Schaback, Robert Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Characterization and construction of max-stable processes
(2013-08-30)Max-stable processes provide a natural framework to model spatial extremal scenarios. Appropriate summary statistics include the extremal coefficients and the (upper) tail dependence coefficients. In this thesis, the full ... -
A unified framework for spline estimators
(2013-07-09)This dissertation develops a uni ed framework to study the (asymptotic) properties of all (periodic) spline based estimators, that is of regression, penalized and smoothing splines. The explicit form of the periodic ... -
Spatial Interpolation and Prediction of Gaussian and Max-Stable Processes
(2012-07-04)This thesis deals with different aspects of spatial interpolation and prediction of random fields. In the case of Gaussian random fields, best linear predictors and conditional distributions are well-known, provided that ... -
Extending the Programming Language XL to Combine Graph Structures with Ordinary Differential Equations
(2012-04-13)Natural sciences try to discover laws that allow to explain and predict observations. Often, models are created with the purpose to verify or falsify proposed theories, which are based on these laws and certain other ... -
Persistence in discrete Morse theory
(2011-07-15)The goal of this thesis is to bring together two different theories about critical points of a scalar function and their relation to topology: Discrete Morse theory and Persistent homology. ... -
A Massively Parallel Finite Element Framework with Application to Incompressible Flows
(2011-05-13)The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations describe the flow of Newtonian fluids or gases. They are used in many numerical simulations of flow problems. These simulations have become an ... -
A Chimera simulation method and Detached Eddy Simulation for vortex-airfoil interactions
(2011-01-25)The present thesis introduces, verifies and validates a numerical simulation method based on an overset grid (or Chimera) technique that allows to simulate the generation and transport ... -
A Comparison of Models and Methods for Spatial Interpolation in Statistics and Numerical Analysis
(2010-06-18)Interpolation of spatial data is a very general mathematical problem with many applications, such as surface reconstruction, the numerical solution of partial differential equations, learning ... -
Die Konvergenz von Bioinformatik und Medizinischer Informatik
(2009-09-17)In Biomedicine new diagnostic procedures such as high-throughput technologies will lead to the increasing integration of genomic data in clinical decision making. Thus the disciplines of ... -
Komplexität und Stabilität von kernbasierten Rekonstruktionsmethoden
(2009-03-19)We are looking at functions $f : \mathbb{R}^d → \mathbb{R}$ and reconstruct them by $f (x) =\sum_{j=1}^N \alpha_j K(x,x_j)$, where $K$ is a positive definite, symmetric kernel, $x_j \in \mathbb{R}^d , \alpha_j \in \mathbb{R}$.In ... -
Sampling Inequalities and Applications
(2009-02-10)Sampling inequalities quantify the observation that a differentiable function cannot attain large values anywhere if its derivatives are bounded, and if it produces small data on a sufficiently ... -
Advanced Methods for Radial Data Sampling in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(2008-10-28)In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the received signal corresponds to the Fourier transform of the object's spin density, which can be sampled selectively by switching time varying gradient ... -
Parallele dynamische Adaption hybrider Netze für effizientes verteiltes Rechnen
(2008-10-27)The presented work covers the research activities and publications of the author in the field of scientifc computing. The article deals with the numeric simulation of aerodynamic effects ... -
Ein Gebietszerlegungsverfahren für parabolische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Finite-Volumen-Diskretisierung
(2007-12-03)The first part of the thesis at hand deals with a finite volume method for time-dependent advection-diffusion-reaction equations. By using dual control volumes based on a common ... -
Generic Programming and Algebraic Multigrid for Stabilized Finite Element Methods
(2007-02-28)Two topics are in the focus of this thesis. On the one hand, the generic construction of efficient data-structures for various purposes in numerical linear algebra, and on the other hand, ... -
Algorithmen zur Kopplung und Interpolation in der Aerelastik
(2006-09-18)The simulation of the interaction between a fluid and a moving, deformable structure is an important task within many scientific and engineering problems. The central topic of this thesis ... -
Multistage Algorithms in C++
(2006-04-19)Performance-critical software is rarely implemented in a generic manner. Structural changes usually affect large parts of a project and cause expensive development cycles. Principal reason ... -
Finite-element simulation of buoyancy-driven turbulent flows
(2003-08-25)Turbulent flows driven or significantly affected by buoyancy occur in a variety of problems including building ventilation, cooling of electrical equipment, and environmental science. The ... -
Die Methode von Smolyak bei der multivariaten Interpolation
(2001-05-31)Many classical interpolation methods obtain results of equal quality in any space dimension only if the amount of data grows exponentially. This problem can be cured by the method of Smolyak ...