Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 383-402 of 561
Probleme aus Sicht von Lehrkräften im Fach Gesellschaftslehre – eine quantitative Untersuchung
(2020-05-29)It was the purpose of this master’s thesis to gain insight into the problems of the interdisciplinary subject Social Studies at Integrated Comprehensive Schools from the teachers’ point of view. For this purpose, an ... -
Die Probleme des Trainings von Gewichthebern im Kindes- und Jugendalter
(2003-11-14)Selected anthropometric, biological and medical features were examined at eleven Weightlifters in Childhood and Adolescence.The main aim of this study was to examine the physical changes ... -
Probleme in Online-Auktionen
(2006-11-13)Online Auction is a new type of e-commerce. It combines the conventional auction model with modern information technology and more and more economic interactions are involved. This paper ... -
Products consisting of materials based on renewable resources: Drivers of purchase intention, consumers' information needs and target groups
(2015-05-20)This thesis is about consumer acceptance of products consisting of materials which are based on renewable resources. The focus is on wood-based materials, including solid wood but also by-products and wood waste, as only ... -
Promises and Perils of Globalization
(2019-02-11)Chapter 1 investigates the role of globalized flows of finance (development aid) and goods (trade). Both factors are of international character and relate to the global perspective. Thus, we choose macro lenses and combine ... -
Prozeßverbesserung der Projektorganisation
(2001-09-06)In this scientific paper we describe from our point of view, a basis for an efficient and flexible concept that we call "Planungsinselkonzept" (PIK). This concept is based on project ... -
Publizistische Kontroversen über den Holocaust im Film.
(2001-05-09)After the transmission of the US-American series Holocaust in 1979 there was talk of a "caesura in the Germans dealing with their National Socialism". But the series Holocaust (Marvin Chomsky, USA 1978) does not represent ... -
Qualitätsmanagement in der Jugend- und Sozialhilfe
(2005-08-15)The study deals with the context, multidisciplinary connections, organization, acceptance and benefit assessment of quality management in social services and especially examines the tool ... -
Quality Assurance Systems in the Agri-Food Chain
(2008-05-30)Food quality and security management systems represent one of the major challenges for the European agri-food chain. The BSE crisis and the agricultural chain ( Agrarwende ) as well as ... -
Quantification of Potential Ecological Impacts of Road Transport
(2014-07-28)Throughout the world land use and fragmentation are among the major causes of the de-struction of habitats and the resulting loss of biological diversity. Road use in general and road haulage in particular significantly ... -
Question Format, Response Effort, and Response Quality
(2018-08-31)In empirical social research, using questions with an agreement/disagreement scale, also known as agree/disagree (A/D) questions, is a very popular technique for measuring attitudes. Major national and international surveys, ... -
Rationalität und Qualität von Wirtschaftsprognosen
(2015-05-19)Economic forecasts are utilized to decrease uncertainty relating to planning processes of companies and governments. Empirical research shows evidence that the level of forecast quality is generally rather poor. In order ... -
Re-Making Social Europe After the Great Recession
(2023-04-20)At the beginning of the year 2012, Social Europe was in ruins. Austerity in peripheral member states, especially in Southern Europe, and the adoption of new and strict fiscal consolidation policies in the euro area had led ... -
Die Rechtsnachfolge im Polizeirecht
(2009-03-18)This work examines examples of the decontamination duty of legal succession in police law. It deals with the decontamination responsibilities of the legal successors for the hazardous soil ... -
Rechtstransfer durch Praktikerliteratur am Beispiel des polnischen Juristen Bartholomäus Groicki (um 1534 ― 1605)
(2024-03-21)The dissertation presents the life and work of a Polish jurist fron Cracow, Bartholomus Groicki. Groicki was a learned jurist, who dedicated his professional life to the jurisdiction of Cracow, and an author of several ... -
Rechtstransfer im Fokus. Die Übertragung europäischen Rechts im Bereich der Gleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern im Rahmen des Erweiterungsprozesses nach Bulgarien und Rumänien
(2011-02-24)The European enlargement towards East European countries started right after the fundamental changes, which took place in the beginning 1990s. Since then, Bulgaria and Romania as well as ... -
References and Preferences: New insights in food decision making
(2015-03-18)Consumers’ food preferences have led to a worldwide overweight rate of 35% in 2008. It is a matter of fact that overweight is closely linked to unhealthy eating habits. Most existing nutrition labels contain reference ... -
Reflections on Text Mining Approaches in Corporate Failure Prediction based on German Financial Statements
(2023-05-05)The field of corporate risk assessment is in a state of flux due to society's increased expectations of statistical methods, which are classified as part of the field of machine learning. While in earlier times multivariate ... -
Der Regenwald ist unser Haus. Die Orang Rimba auf Sumatra zwischen Autonomie und Fremdbestimmung
(2012-10-30)The Orang Rimba are a group of semi-nomadic forest dwellers living in Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia). For the Orang Rimba the rainforest is a world of gods, spirits and resources, in which life follows its own laws. The rain ... -
Regional integration processes: Four studies about convergence, growth and monitoring tools
(2010-07-15)Since the end of the Cold War the number of free trade and preferential partnership agreements has been increasing worldwide. A large part of these treaties are made between developing- and ...