Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 275-294 of 558
Just Lunch: An Ethnography of School Meals and Poverty in Delhi
(2023-03-23)This dissertation examines the actual social outcomes of one of the largest and most prominent social policies of the Indian government in the field of poverty reduction and education – the so-called Mid Day Meal Scheme ... -
Kapitalrationierung am deutschen Aktiensekundärmarkt
(2002-04-02)Concerning turnover and market-capitalization German secondary equity market is strongly fragmented. There is a general shortage of supply for equity in segments of small and medium capitalized ... -
Kenntnisstand und interkulturelle Erfahrungen zu ADHS bei arabischen Eltern und Lehrkräften in Deutschland und in Saudi-Arabien
(2016-02-29)Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most widespread mental disorders among children and adolescents. Studies have shown respective results for Germany as well as for Saudi-Arabia. Many of the young ... -
Key Labour Market Issues and Decent Work in Developing and Emerging Countries
(2020-08-18)This dissertation addresses key labour market issues and decent work in developing and emerging countries, and is comprised of four stand-alone research articles. The first article discusses the conceptual considerations ... -
Das Kinderzimmer im deutschsprachigen Raum
(2003-04-14)The subject of the present dissertation is the relevance of the children's room as a place of children's development, experience and education. Besides presenting a historical survey of the children's room in German ... -
Das Klageerzwingungsverfahren
(2008-05-28)The dissertation represents the significance of the klageerzwingungsverfahren and contains an analysis of the practical meaning today. -
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit Besonderheiten? – Beiträge zur Mittelstandsforschung an den Beispielen von Innovation und Konjunktur
(2012-04-11)This doctoral thesis is concerned with research into small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It consists of four essays on the specific roles of smaller firms in the fields of innovation and the business cycle. The first three ... -
Knowledge intermediaries in regional innovation systems
(2025-01-07)The constituent papers of this cumulative dissertation contribute to the scholarly debate and thus the understanding of knowledge intermediaries in regional innovation systems. The recursive transfer of knowledge between ... -
‘Kommunikations- und Handlungsinseln‘ Herausforderungen an AkteurInnen in interdisziplinärer Verbundforschung in der Medizin bei der Verwendung zentraler, interaktionsunterstützender Arbeitsplattformen Eine theoretische und methodisch praxisnahe Exploration zur Akzeptanz
(2020-06-24)In Interdisciplinary Research Associations in Medicine (IFVBM) actors work together across disciplines and organizations on complex medical issues. Within IFVBM they also develop methodological procedures and collaborative ... -
Komplexität im Unternehmensplanspiel
(2003-04-01)The interaction between business game players and business games is a simulation of an interaction with the complex system of an enterprise. Typically the player has the feeling of being ... -
Konkurrenz um die Ressource Wasser
(2008-03-28) -
Konstruktbasierte Bestimmung domänenorientierter komplexer Problemlösefähigkeit mit Komplexen Standardisierten Itemsequenzen
(2024-02-21)Die Fähigkeit, komplexe Probleme zu lösen, hat als Forschungsgegenstand in den vergangenen Jahren merklich das Interesse der Erziehungswissenschaften auf sich gezogen. Auch in ihrer Ausformung zur Kompetenz gilt sie als ... -
Kooperative Politikformen in der Umweltpolitik
(2006-05-23)Cooperation between the government and non-governmental actors is all around within the political decision-making process. This study asks for the reasons and for the functionality of cooperation within all stages of ... -
Körperunzufriedenheit bei männlichen Fitnessstudiobesuchern
(2023-05-08)This dissertation aimed to reconstruct the meaning of sportive actions and social interactions in the small lifeworld of the gym in the context of body dissatisfaction among men. A qualitative research design was chosen ... -
Kultur als Padadox
(2001-11-07) -
Die kulturelle Konstruktion von Verwandtschaft unter den Bedingungen der Reproduktionstechnologien in Deutschland
(2002-12-09)Central to the euro-american assumptions of "natural" kinship is the idea of biogenetic kinship. Conception, symbolized through sexual intercourse of the potential parents, thereby constitutes ... -
Land Security, Efficiency and Productivity, and Rural Income in China
(2011-08-23)This thesis consists of three essays which measure land security, estimate agricultural efficiency and farm productivity, and analyze their impacts on farm income in rural China. The work ... -
Large-Scale Land Investments and Land-Use Change
(2018-02-06)Smallholder agriculture is the mainstay of rural households in developing countries. In recent years, smallholder agriculture has been affected by the surge in large-scale farms that have acquired land in rural regions of ...