Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 304-323 of 561
Leistungsfähigkeit beruflicher Ausbildung: Empirische Beiträge zur Beurteilung der systemisch-ökonomischen und individuellen Perspektive
(2024-06-27)The objective of this thesis is to adopt a more nuanced approach to examining the current performance-related challenges within the vocational education and training (VET) system. The focus is on two key issues that have ... -
Lernen und das Andere
(2019-06-25)Following Meyer-Drawe (2008), who stresses the relevance of experience as well as moments of irritation in her approach to learning, this research project is situated. Its aim: To introduce the concept of alterity as ... -
Linguistic Relativity and Economic Outcomes
(2022-06-03)Research by linguists, psychologists and cognitive scientists has shown that the grammatical and lexical structures of languages affect human cognition. This hypothesis of linguistic relativity has been taken up by economists ... -
Liquiditätszusammenhänge zwischen Kassa- und Derivatemärkten
(2016-06-08)This dissertation develops a model of the illiquidity transmission from spot to futures markets that formalizes the derivative hedge theory of Cho and Engle (1999). The model shows that spot market illiquidity does not ... -
Local Dimensions of Development
(2023-10-23)Poverty remains one of the most pressing global challenges, affecting people’s livelihood in far more than the mere income dimension: The poor suffer from limited access to education, health care and nutrition, face ... -
Local financial development and economic growth in Vietnam
(2019-05-09)The following thesis accumulates four self-contained studies which analyse the relationship between local financial development and economic growth in Vietnam. Local financial development is measured at different levels ... -
Local Knowledge, Disease and Healing in a Papua Community
(2018-05-23)In my dissertation entitled “Local Knowledge, Disease and Healing in a Papua Community”, I describe and analyse the concepts, knowledge and practices concerning the health and disease of the Tehit people in the South Sorong ... -
Logistische Entscheidungen und ihre Auswirkungen: Die Unternehmenssimulation LogisticPLUS
(2001-07-23)The Management Game LogisticPLUS is a general management game with a focus on logistical issues. It aims at showing Logistic Managers the impact of their decisions. During the simulation ... -
Die Macht der Artefakte
(2018-08-02)For several years now, an area of anthropological research under the umbrella of ‘Material Culture Studies‘ has increasingly addressed the understanding of things. Questions under investigation include how relationships ... -
Mandat und Treuhand im Völkerrecht
(2004-02-26)This thesis deals with the concepts of mandate and trusteeship in international law. In the first historical part of the thesis the legal and historic roots of both concepts are reviewed. ... -
Manifestierte Ungleichheitsstrukturen
(2006-12-11)This historical, theory-governed and empiric analysis theorizes gainful employment and political participation as the two central crystallization areas of the public at large, looked at ... -
Marketing the sustainable - Fostering behavioral intentions through information transparency
(2022-07-01)Reshaping our diets to sustainable forms represents a powerful lever in meeting the impending challenge of climate change. While labels have predominantly been used in the past to reveal sustainability-related product ... -
Marketing-Management in den deutschen und den ägyptischen Sportverbänden.
(2003-11-14)The sport federations stand in competition with other federations, with commercial and new leisure enterprises. The sport federations compete with the other federations for members potenial members, spectators ... -
Measuring European Economic Integration
(2014-03-13)The three essays of this dissertation contribute to the measurement of European economic integration and investigate the welfare effects of the European countries. The first study presents a newly developed index – the EU ... -
Medien, Journalismus und Public Relations
(2001-06-13)The central issue of the present study is the system theory of Niklas Luhmann that within the last three decades became the mainstream of scientific media, journalism and public relations ... -
Messung der Vulnerabilität der Armut - Eine statistische Analyse mit deutschen Paneldaten
(2012-11-06)In order to reduce poverty it is clearly of interest to identify, not only those households that are poor, but also those that are at risk of becoming poor, i.e. vulnerable to poverty. In this research, the accuracy of ... -
Meta-research in times of data science: Using automation, machine learning, and modern econometrics to analyze open science in economics and related fields
(2024-12-18)This cumulative doctoral thesis applies different data science techniques to the field of meta-research. On the one hand, the output of this thesis are large and robust research data sets. On the other hand, the thesis ... -
Methoden und Mittel zur Verbesserung des statischen und dynamischen Muskelverhaltens bei haltungsbedingten Beschwerden:ein Trainings- und bewegungswissenschaftlicher Vergleich zwischen haltungsverbessernden, sensomotorischen Einlegesohlen und einem gesundheitsorientiertem, rehabilitativen Muskelaufbautraining
(2008-04-30)The aim of this study was to detect whether the sensomotoric system or rather the muscle state can be influenced by the external effects of posture-improving Sensomotoric Insoles and/or a rehabilitatives muscle ... -
Micro-Level Impacts of Conflict and the Duration of Armed Groups
(2013-09-30)Political instability and political violence have been a major hindrance for development in developing and transition countries. Development and progress for countries is hard to achieve under the presence of armed conflict, ...