Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 367-386 of 560
Perspektiven des Hochschulsports als Marke der Universität
(2014-08-06)Academic Sport Services are an essential part of university culture, student life and academic education at many institutions of higher education, while at some places such as the University of Göttingen they have been ... -
Perspektiven von Arbeit in der Chemischen Industrie.
(2004-09-21)In this paper, the author analyses the process of realizing a reorganisation project in a large-scale company of the chemical industry, in which an innovative form of group work was decided ... -
(2018-09-13)In 2008, Niger signed an oil contract with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) over the Agadem oil block located in the far eastern region of Diffa; and in 2011, they inaugurated the country’s first and only oil ... -
Planung und Begrenzung der gemeinsamen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nach der Osterweiterung der Europäischen Union
(2009-09-15)The importance of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU) has increased permanently since its establishment. Through the adoption of the European Security ... -
Political Determinants of Foreign Aid and International Trade
(2012-09-27)This rise of emerging economies is visible in international development cooperation and international trade. Aid contributions from donor countries operating outside of the established group of the OECD’s Development ... -
Political Economy in a globalized world
(2015-06-12)This cumulative dissertation contains three papers. I. Geopolitics, Aid and Growth. We investigate the effects of short-term political motivations on the effectiveness of foreign aid. Specifically, we test whether the ... -
Die Politisierung der ethnischen Differenz
(2004-06-16)The thesis examines processes of ethnic mobility under the conditions of the transition of former Soviet Republics, which are characterised by the existence of a large Russian minority ... -
Portfolio Strategies with Classical and Alternative Benchmarks
(2018-07-19)This dissertation addresses different key elements in portfolio management. It intends to improve and analyze influences on portfolio strategies and their performance. Likewise, it aims at the systematization and extension ... -
Poverty and Vulnerability in Vietnam
(2013-10-23)Since doi moi, Vietnam has made remarkable achievements in many frontiers. However, much effort needs to be done to further improve social and economic sectors, particularly in the context of increasing the number of ... -
Poverty, Inequality and the Decarbonization of Economic Development
(2017-01-13)Low and middle income countries are responsible for more than two thirds of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Although climate stabilization is now impossible without effective climate mitigation policies in developing ... -
Poverty, social mobility, and the middle class: The case of South Africa
(2018-10-24)The wave of upbeat stories on the developing world's emerging middle class has reinvigorated a debate on how social class in general and the middle class in particular ought to be defined and empirically measured. With the ... -
Power factor typology through organizational and network analysis. Using environmental policy networks as an illustration
(2004-06-14)This work is based on a doctoral research. Our main question is: who can be powerful and when. We assume that power is a function of network and organizational (actor-related) characteristics ... -
Power Mediators and Pure Mediators: Exploring their Impact on Implementing Internal Peace Agreements
(2021-06-15)Recent studies on international mediation have mainly focused on the impact of mediation on armed intra-state conflicts, emphasizing successfully completed ceasefires and peace agreements. Scholars have largely neglected ... -
Privatsphärenschutz vs. Pressefreiheit: Eine rechtvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen und russischen Recht im Lichte der EMRK
(2013-09-16)The paper is dealing with the leading principles relevant for the balancing between the right to respect for private life (in particular the right to protect one's personal image) and the freedom of expression. The paper ... -
Probleme aus Sicht von Lehrkräften im Fach Gesellschaftslehre – eine quantitative Untersuchung
(2020-05-29)It was the purpose of this master’s thesis to gain insight into the problems of the interdisciplinary subject Social Studies at Integrated Comprehensive Schools from the teachers’ point of view. For this purpose, an ... -
Die Probleme des Trainings von Gewichthebern im Kindes- und Jugendalter
(2003-11-14)Selected anthropometric, biological and medical features were examined at eleven Weightlifters in Childhood and Adolescence.The main aim of this study was to examine the physical changes ... -
Probleme in Online-Auktionen
(2006-11-13)Online Auction is a new type of e-commerce. It combines the conventional auction model with modern information technology and more and more economic interactions are involved. This paper ... -
Products consisting of materials based on renewable resources: Drivers of purchase intention, consumers' information needs and target groups
(2015-05-20)This thesis is about consumer acceptance of products consisting of materials which are based on renewable resources. The focus is on wood-based materials, including solid wood but also by-products and wood waste, as only ... -
Promises and Perils of Globalization
(2019-02-11)Chapter 1 investigates the role of globalized flows of finance (development aid) and goods (trade). Both factors are of international character and relate to the global perspective. Thus, we choose macro lenses and combine ...