Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 125-144 of 1663
Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation under extreme terrestrial and simulated extraterrestrial conditions
(2020-05-25)Since the Apollo 16 mission in 1972, Bacillus subtilis served as bacterial model organism in space. Due to the ability to form highly resistant endospores and complex biofilms, it was used to investigate the effects of ... -
Bagger or Bär? The influence of individual interests on early word learning
(2023-01-03)Young children are remarkable word learners: At the end of the first year of life, typically developing children only produce a handful of words, but their vocabularies grow many times over during the second and third year ... -
Bedeutung der ACE2-Spaltung durch Wirtszellproteasen für die SARS-Coronavirus-Infektion
(2014-07-29)The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is a highly pathogenic virus and its zoonotic entry into the human population represents a substantial health threat. The identification of host cell factors ... -
Die Bedeutung der Epiphyten im ökosystemaren Wasser- und Nährstoffumsatz verschiedener Altersstadien eines Bergregenwaldes in Costa Rica
(2002-12-09)In a comparative study, conducted in the Costa Rican Cordillera Talamanca, a chronosequence of three different successional stages of an upper montane rain forest was investigated. This ... -
Bedeutung der Homöodomäne des Transkriptionsfaktors Pax6 für die Aktivierung des Glukagon-Gens durch Pax6
(2004-09-08)Pax6 is one of the essential transcription factors for activating glucagon gene expression and contains two DNA-binding domains, the paired domain and the homeodomain. In vitro, Pax6 binds ... -
Die Bedeutung der Proteine 4.1G und 4.1N für den Aufbau und die Funktion glutamaterger Synapsen
(2009-09-14)In the present study, the role of proteins 4.1G and 4.1N for the synaptic localisation of AMPA receptors and neurotransmission at glutamatergic synapses in the mouse brain has been examined. ... -
Die Bedeutung der subzellulären CaMKIIδ-Überexpression auf den intrazellulären Ca2+-Stoffwechsel in Herzmuskelzellen
(2007-04-17)The Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is a multifunctional serine/threonine protein kinase. It is formed as a multimer consisting of 6 to 12 monomers. CaMKIIδ, the ... -
Die Bedeutung des Proteins Scarecrow-like 14 in der Regulation der Transkription von Stressgenen
(2006-10-23)The cis-regulatory element as-1 of many plant pathogen-related defence genes is inducible by salicylic acid (SA) and auxin. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) seem to be involved. A ... -
Die Bedeutung von BRCA1-assoziiertem Protein in der Entwicklung der lastinduzierten Myokardhypertrophie
(2009-02-17)Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are regulating important cellular processes such as growth, differentiation, mitosis and apoptosis and are highly relevant for cardiac ... -
Die Bedeutung von Stanniocalcin 2 im humanen Neuroblastom
(2009-04-02)Human neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extra-cranial tumor entity in childhood. This malignancy is characterized by its remarkable clinical heterogeneity: aggressive progression and ... -
Bedeutung, Erfassung und Veränderung interpersonaler Problemmuster in der Psychotherapieforschung : Eine Untersuchung mit dem Inventar zur Erfassung interpersonaler Probleme
(2010-09-07)In this study evaluation of interpersonal problems and modification of interpersonal problems were examined in different areas of inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy. Interpersonal ... -
Beeinträchtigung und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung bei chronischen RückenschmerzpatientInnen
(2009-08-21)Many studies with chronic low-back pain patients have proved how important the extent of disability is concerning the prognosis and the treatment outcome. However, there are different ... -
Behavioral and Feeding Ecology of a Small-bodied Folivorous Primate (Lepilemur leucopus)
(2015-01-13)Small-bodied folivorous primates are rare because processing leaves often requires extensive gut adaptations and lengthy retention times for fiber fermentation. However, Lepilemur leucopus (white-footed sportive lemur) ... -
Behavioual Adaptations to Light Deprivation
(2019-03-20)Similar to most non-sedentary animals, Drosophila shows a wide range of visually guided behaviours and their functionality is crucial for survival. Previous studies showed that visual impairment significantly reduced the ... -
Behaviour, interactions and habitat use of European bison (Bison bonasus), Exmoor ponies (Equus ferus) and Dybowski deer (Cervus nippon hortulorum) in a mixed-species enclosure at Tierpark Sababurg
(2013-05-14)From spring 2010 to early summer 2011, the behaviour, intra- and interspecific interactions, as well as the habitat use of European bison (Bison bonasus), Exmoor ponies (Equus ferus) and Dybowski deer (Cervus nippon ... -
(2006-06-22)In order to develop a model of chronic social stress in rats, in the first study the male Wistar rats were subjected to five weeks daily exposure to social defeat. This protocol resulted ... -
Below- and aboveground farmland biodiversity in relation to local and regional management
(2010-06-02)The expansion of global croplands, plantations and pastures in the last decades, which led to a dramatic change in the spatial structuring of agricultural landscapes is one of the main ... -
Belowground plasticity of European beech – Studies on the variability of beech fine root system size, structure, morphology, and anatomy, and on their impact on soil organic matter in the top- and subsoil of six beech forests with different bedrock types in Northern Germany
(2019-02-01)Trees’ rooting systems have a fundamental role in the acquisition of water and nutrients from the soil and they are thought to be inherently plastic with regards to their size, structure, morphology and anatomy in order ... -
Bewertung der Erfassungswahrscheinlichkeit für globales Biodiversitäts-Monitoring: Ergebnisse von Sampling GRIDs aus unterschiedlichen klimatischen Regionen
(2015-03-25)This thesis provides important input for the development of a cost-effective global biodiversity assessment and monitoring system. The study is embedded in a larger project to evaluate possibilities of multiple-species ... -
Bewertungskompetenz für den Biologieunterricht -
(2008-11-04)Germany s educational system has experienced a radical change over the last few years. One major reason for this change were high school students mediocre results in the PISA studies. One ...