Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Title
Now showing items 1607-1626 of 1658
Versuche zur Strukturaufklärung bakterieller Thiouridin Synthetasen
(2006-06-02)The tRNA of most organisms is postranscriptionally modified. The sulfurtransferases ThiI and MnmA modify tRNAs by the incorporation of sulfur. In archaea and bacteria two different roles ... -
Verticillium dahliae transcription factors Som1 and Vta3 control microsclerotia formation and sequential steps of plant root penetration and colonisation to induce disease
(2018-10-12)Verticillium dahliae belongs to the soil-borne ascomycete fungi. It causes wilt diseases and early senescence in more than 200 plant species including economically important crops. It can exist in the soil without a host ... -
Verticillium longisporum induced gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana
(2008-09-05)Verticillium longisporum is a soil-borne fungal pathogen causing vascular disease predominantly in oilseed rape. The pathogen enters its host through the roots and maintains a parasitic ... -
Verzerrter Recall als potentielles Hindernis für Synergie bei Gruppenentscheidungen
(2017-02-15)In hidden profile decision-making tasks, groups often fall short of their potential to make a better decision than each individual group member. Several reasons for this phenomenon have already been established, such as ... -
Vimentin protects differentiating stem cells from stress
(2020-12-10)Vimentin is the first cytoplasmic intermediate filament to be expressed in mammalian cells during early differentiation, but its role in cellular fitness has long been a mystery. Vimentin is acknowledged to play a role in ... -
Visual Misperceptions and Behavioral Variability in Parkinson’s Disease
(2020-01-31)The objective of this thesis are visual misperceptions and behavioral variability, their neural correlates and their potential for differential diagnosis of non-motor symptoms profiles in Parkinson’s disease (PD). This ... -
Visual, Olfactory, and Vocal Cues to Fecundity in Human Females
(2013-12-13)Evolutionary psychologists argue that human males have evolved preferences for certain female characteristics that signal youth and health and consider them attractive. While menstrual cycle studies demonstrated changes ... -
Visualization of the Ca2+-dependent regulation of voltage-gated Ether-à-go-go channels by FRET microscopy
(2006-08-22)Several studies have suggested a role for EAG channels in the regulation of neuronal excitability, possibly by contributing to the maintenance of the resting membrane potential. EAG channels ... -
Visuell-räumliche Navigationsleistungen und parietales Cortexvolumen bei schizophrenen Patienten im Paradigma der "Virtuellen Realität"
(2007-02-19)Hitherto only few studies focused on parietal dysfunctions in schizophrenia. Therefore the current study aimed to investigate deficits in classica "parietal n functions b using a virtual navigation ... -
Vitality of heather (Calluna vulgaris) along gradients of climate, structure and diversity in dry lowland heathland habitats of Northern Germany
(2022-06-29)This thesis provides a fundamental overview to North German Dry lowland heathland vegetation composition, vegetation structures and the determinants for the vitality of the key species, Calluna vulgaris. It offers new ... -
Vocal communication in a tolerant multi-level society: insights from signallers and receivers in Guinea baboons
(2013-07-03)When studying the evolution of animal communication it is important to consider both, the signaller (i.e. signal structure and signal usage) and the receiver (i.e. signal response). While in primates the structure of sounds ... -
Vocal Communication within the Genus Chlorocebus: Insights into Mechanisms of Call Production and Call Perception
(2013-09-11)It is difficult to overestimate the influence of language in day to day life, and language is often proposed as the clearest feature to distinguish us, Homo sapiens, from all other animals. The origin of language has long ... -
Vocal repertoires of two matrilineal social whale species Long-finned Pilot whales (Globicephala melas) & Killer whales (Orcinus orca) in northern Norway
(2017-05-10)The aim of this study was to describe and investigate the vocal repertoire and possible factors influencing the size and composition of two matrilineal social whale species: long-finned pilot whales and killer whales in ... -
Vogelnest-Prädation in Waldrandgebieten in Lore Lindu National Park, Zentral Sulawesi, Indonesien
(2004-01-05)Forest destruction and habitat alteration in Sulawesi rainforest which mainly caused by anthropogenic disturbances may generate significant areas of forest margin habitats and large sizes ... -
Volatile-mediated arthropod-fungus interactions
(2019-01-24)Fungi are considered as main decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems and, due to their diverse lifestyles, engaged in a plethora of interactions with soil invertebrates. Determining the underlying mechanisms that regulate ... -
Die vollständige Entschlüsselung der Genomsequenz des Tetanus-Erregers <i>Clostridium tetani</i> und die Analyse seines genetischen Potentials
(2003-08-22)The Gram-positive bacterium Clostridium tetani is an endospore-forming organism predominantly found in anaerobic zones of soil. In deep wound infections C. tetani can produce a potent ... -
Vom Aussterben bedroht oder anpassungsfähig? - Der Koboldmaki <i>Tarsius dianae</i> in den Regenwäldern Sulawesis
(2003-05-22)The major goal of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of Sulawesi tarsiers Tarsius dianae to anthropogenic disturbance of their habitat and to assess future prospects of the species. ... -
Vorläuferzellen des lymphatischen Endothels
(2008-12-05)The origin of the lymphatic vascular system has remained a controversial subject for more than a hundred years. The first visible anlagen of the lymphatic vessels of birds, mammals, and ... -
Wasseraufnahme und artspezifische hydraulische Eigenschaften der Feinwurzeln von Buche, Eiche und Fichte: In situ-Messungen an Altbäumen
(2002-09-17)1. In this study, the application of miniature sap flow gauges to 3-4 mm roots and subsequent determination of absorbing root area allowed measurement of surface-specific water uptake rates ... -
Wasserhaushalt und Wassernutzungseffizienz von vier perennierenden Pflanzenarten im Vorland einer zentralasiatischen Flussoase
(2003-11-18)At the southern fringe of the Taklamakan desert, the annual precipitation is only 33 mm, and the potential evaporation 2600 mm. The oases are supplied with water through rivers, which run from the Kunlun Mountains and carry ...