Dokumente Human- und Zahnmedizin nach Erscheinungsdatum
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Exploring the role of Cytoglobin (CYGB) in melanoma pathobiology
(2025-01-17)Skin cancer is one of the most common malignancies worldwide, with melanoma being the deadliest form. Although both targeted therapies inhibiting the MAPK pathway and immunotherapy have improved the prognosis of patients ... -
Untersuchung der sprechbezogenen Veränderungen der Erregbarkeit im primären Motorkortex bei Stotternden und Kontrollprobanden mittels transkranieller Magnetstimulation
(2025-01-14)Transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals a lack of reduction of intracortical inhibition of the tongue primary motor cortex in adults who stutter as compared to fluent speakers: Original neurogenic non-syndromic ... -
Biomechanische Untersuchungen ventraler Osteosyntheseverfahren bei Densfrakturen Anderson und D’Alonzo Typ II
(2025-01-14)The data on the use of single- or double-screw techniques for anterior osteosynthesis of type II odontoid fractures is inconclusive and contradictory. Although the double-screw technique appears to offer more rotational ... -
Der Einfluss von NOTCH-Rezeptoren auf die Radiochemotherapie-Sensitivität kolorektaler Tumorzellen
(2025-01-13)The treatment of colorectal cancer remains a challenge to this day. Despite numerous advances in therapy, the prognosis, especially in advanced or metastatic stages, remains poor. A current standard therapy for locally ... -
Analyzing Pedicle Screw Strength with Finite Element Method in Relation to Vertebral Bone Properties
(2025-01-13)Vertebral fractures are increasingly prevalent in our aging population. Conservative treatments and minimally invasive surgeries are standard, but posterior fixation systems like pedicle-screw-rod constructs face failure ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Scherspannung, Inflammation und BET-Inhibition auf humane epitheliale Zellen
(2025-01-09)Atherosclerosis is an important cause of some of the most common causes of death, cardiovascular disease. In addition to dyslipidemia, inflammation is one of the key causes of remodeling processes in the endothelium, which ... -
Copingmechanismen und -dynamiken als Prädiktoren für die Lebensqualität sowie das somatische Outcome von Proband*innen mit einer Herzinsuffizienz oder Risikofaktoren dafür
(2025-01-09)Chronic heart failure is a highly prevalent disease. For the patients affected heart failure is associated with poor prognosis and, in most cases, a reduced quality of life. Some widespread diseases are considered risk ... -
Serum-25-Hydroxyvitamin D als Prädiktor der Lebensqualität bei Jugendlichen mit allergischer Rhinokonjunktivitis
(2025-01-09)Summary Numerous studies have investigated associations between serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and parameters of health-related quality of life, erythropoiesis and cancer risk. The aim of the present post-hoc ... -
Die Rolle glyzinerger Neurone und des Asc-1 Transporters bei der Modulation der glutamatergen, NMDA-Rezeptor vermittelten synaptischen Transmission am Nucleus nervi hypoglossi
(2025-01-09)The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role and function of glycinergic neurons and the Asc-1 transporter in the modulation of glutamatergic NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in motoneurons of the hypoglossal ... -
Langlebigkeit wiederbefestigter Zahnfragmente im Vergleich zu Kompositrestaurationen zur Therapie von Schmelz-Dentin-Frakturen
(2025-01-08)The adhesive reattachment of a tooth fragment is a treatment option for traumatic enamel-dentin-fractures in permanent teeth. If the fragment is not available or cannot be reattached, the fracture can be treated with a ... -
In vivo-Studie zur Flussdynamik von Hirnwasser in Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Liquorzirkulationsstörungen – erste klinische Anwendung von Echtzeit- Phasenkontrast-MRT
(2025-01-07)In recent years, the use of real-time phase-contrast MRI has led to an enormous increase in knowledge regarding the flow dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Decades of prevailing doctrine, which assumed a unilateral ... -
Retrospektive Studie zur Erhebung von Risiko-Scores zur frühzeitigen Prädiktion von Post-Polypektomie-Blutungen im Gastrointestinaltrakt
(2025-01-06)Post-polypectomy bleeding (PPB) is a common and clinically relevant complication following gastrointestinal polypectomy. Their severity ranges from mild to severe events. Nervertheless, accurate prediction in clinical ... -
Analyse von Klettersportler*innen
(2025-01-02)With regard to the increasing popularity of climbing, a prospective clinical study was conducted. 51 amateur climbers, who climbed at medium levels of difficulty, were statistically compared with a cohort of 49 non-climbing ... -
Untersuchung der intra- und postoperativen Komplikationen der ölbasierten Vitrektomie bei rhegmatogener Ablatio retinae
(2025-01-02)Due to its epidemiology and etiology, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a disease that is relevant for all age groups and potentially threatens vision. Silicone oil endotamponade is generally an excellent treatment ... -
Protektive Effekte körperlicher Aktivität auf die Entwicklung der Nierenfibrose bei chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
(2024-12-20)The rising prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with its limited therapeutic options still poses a relevant clinical dilemma. Especially therapies that ameliorate the histopathological correlate, i.e. renal fibrosis, ... -
Effekt der Behandlung mit einem Lymphotoxin-β-Rezeptor-Antikörper auf ein neues Mausmodell für Einschlusskörpermyositis
(2024-12-20)Inclusion Body Myositis (IBM) is a muscle disease that presents itself with progressive atrophy and paresis of the muscle. Diagnosis remains challenging and yet no effective treatment option is known. This highlights the ... -
Safety and first promising results of a long-term human hypoxia protocol with uniquely comprehensive monitoring
(2024-12-19)Human cells can adapt to reduced oxygen (O2) conditions and impaired metabolism. Therefore, hypoxia evolves to be a critical physiological driver for improved performance. A demand-driven reduced oxygen availability occurring ... -
Einfluss der dreifachen Kryoenergieapplikation auf die Formation von Ablationsläsionen und die Koronarperfusion am wachsenden Myokard
(2024-12-16)Supraventricular tachycardias (SVT) are the most common tachyarrhythmias in pediatric patients. The estimated incidence ranges between 0.1% and 0.4% (Albinni et al., 2010). Given the significant impact these rhythm disorders ... -
Inzidenz von Arrhythmien nach Leberoperationen: Risikofaktoren für das Auftreten von postoperativen Herzrhythmusstörungen und deren Einfluss auf den postoperativen Verlauf von Patienten
(2024-12-13)Not only after cardiac or thoracic operations, but also after abdominal operations such as liver resections, cardiac arrhythmias (CA) regularly occur as a postoperative complication during the inpatient course. This is ... -
The assessment of multidimensional psychopathological outcomes after traumatic brain injury
(2024-12-13)Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is frequently associated with neuropsychiatric impairments such as symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can be screened using self-report instruments such as the Post-Traumatic ...